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Re: [] Jakarta EE Development Workspace - Slack invite

Hey Werner and Jakartees, 

It was briefly discussed via the Community forum (i think) if a Jakarta public slack was valuable. 
Most individuals who chose to provide feedback, stated that it was not needed as Jakarta would create dedicated public mailing lists to avoid adding extra  "communication-debt" or what I call,  bottleneck-executions that (drops proper scaling and tracing of HOW OSS ought to WORK, mailing LISTs) further forum public emails avoid vacuum-working where Slack "private chosen entitlement " of a few who might expect his/her private exchanges to be a call to ASAP action by others hurts progress.

As such, it is the individual's choice to participate, actually own extra communication consumption, say by subscribing to particular mailing lists &/or slacks with more than 2 channels.  

Neither you, Werner nor I ought to project our communication preferences to whatever is meant to be tried by other Jakartees. 

disclosure: It doesn't mean that I, myself, will choose to join a new Jkta slack public group. Everything lies on how I, you, us CHOICE to collaborating! I will continue to choose mailing lists, FIRST without stating how many slacks I am a member off, etc-- thats irrelevant. So let's step back and focus on the broader scope. :) 



On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 5:14 PM Werner Keil <werner.keil@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Maybe it could also Export its members to the new Group, but if the majority of discussions were about “legacy“ Java EE apps and problems rather than discussing Jakarta EE under a different name, then why not Keep it, but if the majority of discussions are Jakarta EE anyway, then sorry but we already got too many WGs committees and Mailing lists already, then it should be decomissioned or archived.




From: Amelia Eiras
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 01:54
To: Jakarta EE Working Group
Subject: Re: [] Jakarta EE Development Workspace - Slack invite


Hola everyone, 


I am one of the 4 admins, entrusted by Adam Bien back went project was brought to its existence. 

Currently, the group has +200 individuals and it keeps a relative constant weekly exchanges of +100 private messages. 


See below:


I believe there is much value on keeping a Slack working group that is solely managed by the Community who self-organize itself as it happens in this group. 


I recommend that maybe more admins are added, that is if within the broader community there are volunteers, DO SAY and move on to execution. 

It is as simple as, each one of you, can choose to help add individuals who can/could benefit from sharing, from learning, from being a part of a Community group that was created and has benefitted what we see today in our ecosystem. 

This slack is unpaid, this slack doesn't keep msgs, this slack holds voices that are not paid to be a part of this group. That has the greatest value.! 





On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 4:26 PM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Sounds like it's time to retire it if it's not getting much use.

David Blevins wrote on 2/10/20 4:10 PM:

That was created by Adam Bien in January 2016 as one of the many grass roots efforts to organize the community during the phase where Java EE's future was uncertain.

On Feb 10, 2020, at 3:51 PM, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Who created

I'm very sure that that's NOT the name we would use for a Jakarta Slack.

Oliver Drotbohm wrote on 2/10/20 1:38 PM:

Hi Tanja,

does this one supersede the already existing (but rather silent)


Am 10.02.2020 um 21:55 schrieb Tanja Obradovic <tanja.obradovic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hello dear Jakarta EE communities!

this is just a quick invite to all interested to communicate via SLACK

Please join Jakarta EE Development Slack Workspace !

Tanja Obradovic
Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
Twitter: @TanjaEclipse
Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration
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