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Re: [] [External] : [BALLOT] Release Review for Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1

+1, Oracle

I view the following as minor issues -- presuming that the specification minimum Java SE version is as I postulate below

  • The Java SE minimum version of the specification is unclear.
  • The Specification page still contains text that is indefinite ('Several minor issues ... will be addresses [sic] ... The overview of currently suggested topics includes:..."). The summary text should positively assert what has been done since this is a final review. Please list what was completed in this release and preface the list with something like: "The following changes are included in this release:"
  • In the published TCK results (e.g. here), I cannot find any reference that confirms the what TCK was used, nor is the SHA-SUM included.
  • The published results (e.g. here) should also include the text content from the CCR (I like this is the log output, but the process also requires the text from the CCR). Addressing this would resolve the previous point as well since the d/l and SHA-SUM are in the CCR text.
  • The CCR should be tagged with the 'Certification' label (and the Accepted label if that is the case).
  • In the TCK Readme (file:cdi-tck-4.1.0-dist/cdi-tck-4.1.0/README.adoc), I would prefer that the very last section -- Where to file challenges -- refer to the TCK Reference Guide Section 2, Appeals Process rather than just link to the issue tracker as the Appeals process text provides better instructions for how/when to file a challenge. (This could be done in a future update.)

-- Ed Bratt

On 3/12/2024 4:16 PM, Emily Jiang via wrote:
Greetings Jakarta EE Specification Committee,

I request your vote to approve and ratify the release of Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1 as part of the Jakarta EE Platform 11 release.

The JESP/EFSP requires a successful ballot of the Specification Committee in order to ratify the products of this release as a Final Specification (as that term is defined in the EFSP).

The relevant materials are available here:

Per the process, this will be a fourteen-day ballot, ending on Tuesday, March 26th, 2024, that requires a Super-majority positive vote of the Specification Committee members (note that there is no veto). Community input is welcome, but only votes cast by Specification Committee Representatives will be counted.

The Specification Committee is composed of representatives of the Jakarta EE Working Group Member Companies (Fujitsu, IBM, Oracle, Payara, Tomitribe, Primeton Information Technologies, and Shandong Cvicse Middleware Co.), along with individuals who represent the EE4J PMC, Participant Members, and Committer Members.

Specification Committee representatives, your vote is hereby requested. Please respond with +1 (positive), 0 (abstain), or -1 (reject). Any feedback that you can provide to support your vote will be appreciated.

Emily Jiang

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