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[] Jakarta EE Spec Committee Approved Meeting Minutes - August 9th, 2023

Jakarta EE Spec Committee - August 9th, 2023

Attendees (present in bold):

Kenji Kazumura - Fujitsu

Emily Jiang - IBM - Tom Watson

Ed Bratt - Oracle - Dmitry Kornilov

Andrew Pielage - Payara - Petr Aubrecht

David Blevins - Tomitribe - Jean-Louis Monteiro, Cesar Hernandez

Ivar Grimstad - PMC Representative

Marcelo Ancelmo [joined at 9:35pm ET] - Participant Member -  Abraham Marin-Perez

Werner Keil - Committer Member

Scott Stark - Red Hat - Scott Marlow  Enterprise Member

Zhai Luchao -  Shandong Cvicse Middleware Co. - Enterprise Member

Guests - Jakarta EE 11 co-release coordinators: Ed Burns, Arjan Tijms


Eclipse Foundation: Tanja Obradovic, Paul Buck (chair)

Past business / action items:

  • Approval is requested for the minutes from the July 19th, 2023 meeting as drafted - Approved.


See the spreadsheet for updates. 

Ballots of component specifications complete. Platform and Web & Core Profiles, review of PRs are in progress.

Discuss remaining comments in the draft that was circulated on the Spec Committee discussion (public) mailing list, finalize the document to prepare to proceed to ballot.

See the document for updates.

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