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[] Jakarta EE Spec Committee Approved Meeting Minutes - October 14th, 2020

Jakarta EE Spec Committee - October 14th, 2020

Attendees (present in bold):

Kenji Kazumura - Fujitsu

Dan Bandera - IBM - Kevin Sutter

Ed Bratt - Oracle - Dmitry Kornilov, Lukas Jungmann

Andrew Pielage - Payara - Matt Gill

Scott Stark - Red Hat - Mark Little, Scott Marlow, Tom Jenkinson

David Blevins - Tomitribe - Jean-Louis Monteiro, Cesar Hernandez

Ivar Grimstad - PMC Representative

Marcelo Ancelmo - Participant Member - Martijn Verburg

Werner Keil - Committer Member

Scott (Congquan) Wang - Primeton - Enterprise Member 

Eclipse Foundation: Tanja Obradovic, Paul Buck, Wayne Beaton

Reference: EFSP, JESP

Past business / action items:

  • The meeting minutes from the October 7th meeting as drafted are approved.


Item below was not discussed. It will be included on the agenda for the call scheduled for October 21st

  • Short description missing on

    • What needs to be done to ensure a short (60 char) description is available and presented for each specification project?

    • This is also needed for Chinese translation 


  • There is a consensus that ballots can be started for specifications which are dependent on the Platform TCK.  These ballots need to indicate that the final ballots are dependent on the Platform ballot.  Three options enumerated by David Blevins were:

    • Status quo: Dependent specifications wait till the platform ballot

    • API & Spec: Dependent specifications put their API and Spec up for ballot

      • The vote is conditional on the success of the future Platform ballot

      • The platform ballot would need to include certification requests for each dependent ballot

    • API, Spec & Interim Certification Request: Dependent specifications put their API, Spec and an interim certification request up for ballot

      • The interim certification request is imperfect

        • We need only pass the tests related to the spec, not all tests in the TCK

        • The TCK and Compatible Implementation may be snapshots

      • The vote is conditional on the success of the future Platform ballot

      • The platform ballot would need to include certification requests for each dependent ballot

        • These certification requests would replace the interim certification requests (we would not update them)

    • Kevin suggested 1 and 3 sounded best and we could let specification projects chose between the two

  • Jakarta Transactions 2.0 PR#265 reviewed, it was agreed that the URL may be changed so that it is correct. (Specification Name, Version, and download URL)

  • Jakarta WS 2.0 PR#228 reviewed, above three options enumerated for early ballots which may help release this specification before the Platform ballot

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