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[] Jakarta EE Spec Committee Meeting Minutes - September 23rd, 2020

Jakarta EE Spec Committee Agenda September 23rd, 2020

Attendees (present in bold):

Kenji Kazumura - Fujitsu

Dan Bandera - IBM - Kevin Sutter

Ed Bratt - Oracle - Dmitry Kornilov 

Andrew Pielage - Payara - Matt Gill

Scott Stark - Red Hat - Mark Little, Scott Marlow

David Blevins - Tomitribe - Jean-Louis Monteiro, Cesar Hernandez

Ivar Grimstad - PMC Representative

Marcelo Ancelmo - Participant Member - Martijn Verburg

Werner Keil - Committer Member

Scott (Congquan) Wang - Primeton - Enterprise Member 

Eclipse Foundation: Tanja Obradovic, Paul Buck

Reference: EFSP, JESP

Past business / action items:

  • Approval is requested for the meeting minutes from the September 16th meeting as drafted - deferred till next meeting.


Proposal/decision: Request project re-release, to be done on behalf of the project by Spec Comm member. Note: Releases need to be done within 60 days of the Platform release.

  • Issue with BV release approval from PMC


    • Our does not have a join point on the 3 conditions required for release of the specification materials; A Release Review concludes successfully with approval from the PMC and EMO, and approval by a Super-majority of the Specification Committee.

    • BV has released the API and TCK artifacts. We need to have these 3 conditions in a checklist before the spec project is notified of its task list. 

    • Lukas has suggested other projects have had to respin a service release to address a process issue. Is this the case with BV?

Proposal: Eliminate PMC approval steps, require EMO approval is in place before release review commences. Discuss on the list and in the next committee call w/ EMO. No change for EE 9. Scott S. to prepare a position statement to frame the discussion.

Items below were not discussed and will be the lead of items on the call scheduled for September 30th

  • Is using the same group/artifacts coords as EE8 the right thing for EE9? [Scott S.]

    • See email thread initiated on Sep 18, 2020, 9:50 PM on the Spec Committee list by Scott for background.

  • We may need maintenance releases of certain TCKs very shortly after some of their final ballots [David B.]

    • Some TCKs have spec assertion files that have invalid javax references

    • Some of the TCKs have javax in the fallback signature files.  Affects any testing on JDKs later than 11.

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