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[] Staged final binaries pending Jakarta EE 9 Platform vote (EJB, ManagedBeans, etc)

I was going to write a note to the EJB list proposing we cut a proposed final release of 4.0 to staging on Monday.

While writing that, it occurred to me that since 1) it cannot be published until the Platform and Web Profile ballots pass which is tentatively November 20th and 2) we only have 60-days retention that we'd be cutting it very close and there is risk of losing our binaries to the 60-day retention policy.

Then it occurred to be that 60-days backwards from November 20th is basically yesterday and that means any similar PRs created before yesterday will all lose their binaries "at the finish line."

At the moment that appears to just be Jakarta Interceptors which will lose its binaries on October 26th.

On tomorrow's specification committee call we should double check to see if there are other PRs that might not yet have the `platform` label and are similarly affected.  We also need to figure out what to do with Interceptors as it's unlikely the Platform will be released before October 26th.

David Blevins

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