EE Specification Process version 1.2. Effective July 16/2019 The Jakarta EE Specification Process
(JESP) is concerned with the Specification Process as it applies to Specification
Projects operating under the purview of the Jakarta EE Working Group. The Jakarta EE Specification Committee
hereby adopts the Eclipse
Foundation Specification Process v1.2(EFSP) as the Jakarta EE Specification Process with the following modifications:- Any modification to or revision
of this Jakarta EE Specification Process, including the adoption of a new
version of the EFSP, must be approved by a Super-majority of the Specification
Committee, including a Super-majority of the Strategic Members of the Jakarta
EE Working Group, in addition to any other ballot requirements set forth
in the EFSP.
- All specification committee approval
ballot periods will have the minimum duration as outlined below (notwithstanding
the exception process defined by the EFSP, these periods may not be shortened)
- Creation Review: 7 calendar days;
- Plan Review: 7 calendar days;
- Progress Review: 14 calendar
- Release Review: 14 calendar days;
- Service Release Review: 14 calendar
days; and
- JESP Update: 7 calendar days.
- A ballot will be declared invalid
and concluded immediately in the event that the Specifiation Team withdraws
from the corresponding review.
- Specification Projects must engage
in at least one Progress or Release Review per year while in active development.
development that modifies content in the javaxnamespace must be moved to a jakartanamespace. All jakartanamespace development must occur within the scope of a Specification Project
operating under the purview of the Jakarta EE Working Groupâs Specification
Committee and must implement the process as defined by the most recently
adopted revision of the JESP. The EFSP takes precedence in cases where
this document is silent. The primacy of the EFSP notwithstanding, this
document takes precedence in all matters related to Specification development
undertaken by Specification Projects within the purview of the Jakarta
EE Working Group. Last updated 2019-07-03 23:10:51 EDT