The Jakarta Retrospective might be a good Topic for Community Day.
The JQA Analysis, not so sure about that.
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This is an ongoing discussion in the last Jakarta Platform and Jakarta TCK and Adoptium calls and having a retrospective after the Jakarta EE 10 release in the Platform project is the idea of Scott Stark and there is also one planed in the Spec Committee, as far as I know - so this input should be available during the Community Day and could be presented.
The jQA post mortem analysis is available now. This could be extended to automatically test for constraints i.e. regarding dependency issues or violations of naming conventions.
Another option is to run the testing part of the TCK automatically with changes on umbrella/components specs - this will extend the current use and design of the current Jakarta EE TCKs, but some aspects might be picked from MicroProfile to forward in this direction.
There are other experts like Scott Marlow (unsure if he will be there), that could explain contribution to TCKs in general or I might find somebody to present lessons learned from refactoring a TCK of a specific component spec.
I can offer to present jQA as focus for the Community Day only - but I think the opportunity having some deep involved people of Jakarta EE, MicroProfile and Adoptium at the same place (in 3D) is a chance to make some progress in respect to future development and cooperation in these Working Groups.
And this is a chance to involve new people in these communities too.
But if you think, the Community Day might be the wrong format or target audience, a evening BoF session during the main conference would be another option.
However, the last iterations of the Community Day for MicroProfile in presence at EclipseCon where more or less community experts meetings... ;-)
And the separate low cost ticket makes the Community Day especially interesting for the strong local communities.
To what extent has this been discussed and vetted with the Jakarta EE and MicroProfile stakeholders? I am worried this is a bit too premature or narrow for Community Day.
Another option is broadening this to be framed as a general session on how to contribute to the TCKs, with this being one of the sub-topics. Is that something you feel you could do credibly?

Hi Reza,
I will be at the EclipseCon Community Day and would like to
give/organize a session regarding establishing Jakarta EE/MicroProfile
Continuous Integration to improve the general quality of umbrella &
component specs including tools like jQAssistant to reduce the friction
that makes release management (especially in Jakarta EE) a tough
challenge currently.
You might noticed, that we started to use jQA (manually triggered) as
post mortem analysis in the Jakarta EE Platform already
This could be a joined session the colleagues form Adoptium AQAvit too,
because they could show best practices for CI regarding Java SE and
could give requirements to meet to let Jakarta EE TCKs running on
Compatible Implementations be part of AQAvit in the future and to learn
about running them within Jakarta EE Spec projects as CI too.
Additionally the outcome of the planed Jakarta retrospectives regarding
these aspects could be discussed in this session too.
What do you think?
Am 14.08.22 um 18:26 schrieb Reza Rahman:
> Folks,
> As you may be aware, there is a Jakarta EE/MicroProfile part of
> Community Day at EclipseCon. In previous years, we had no trouble at
> all coming up with 5-7 high quality, roughly hour long sessions. The
> trick though is that the events were virtual and free. This year we
> are running into issues likely because it is neither. This is where
> your help is really needed.
> Do you think you can make it to EclipseCon Community Day (it's on
> October 24th)? Do you think you can speak credibly on any of these
> topics or other relevant ones:
> If so, this year we honestly need your help in making the event
> successful. Note, you will need to pay for Community Day even as a
> speaker (I did).
> Can you please let me know as soon as possible? The sooner we can
> button this down, the sooner we can get the word out and start on
> building attendance. If you want to promote, get contributors for or
> build a community around a Jakarta EE/MicroProfile technology/project,
> I can't think of a smarter mechanism than speaking here.
> Thanks in advance for your help. Just respond to me here to get going.
> Reza Rahman
> Principal Program Manager
> Java on Azure at Microsoft
> reza.rahman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> +1 717 329 8149
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