This mail is about JakartaOne Livestream in Spanish.
On October 1st, 2021, over 350 Spanish speaking developers, users, communities, speakers and vendors gathered to discuss current trends, technologies and challenges related to Jakarta EE.
Featuring 5 speakers and 3 vendor talks, this event was the second edition entirely in Spanish, supported by Jakarta EE members and the Java community.
In one year where online events are suffering the post pandemic fatigue (many people can be tiring of online activities), we face some difficulties in the beginning, lack of submissions in the call for papers, low attendees registrations, but with the support of the many communities we had a good number of attendees. We were humbled by the positive feedback received.
JakartaOne Livestream in Spanish 2021 was possible thanks to:
5 speakers from countries such as Colombia, Guatemala and México.
4 vendors, Tomitribe, Oracle and Payara
+ 13 Java Communities
+ 350 attendees.
Here the map with attendees location:
Best regards,
Alberto, Carlos C., Carlos O. Eudris y Christian
Program Committee
JakartaOne Livestream in Spanish 2021