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Re: [] Looking for collaboration

Dear Werner,

thanks for your detailed response. I always love feedback and it is not discouraging in any way.

Thanks for pointing me to JSR 377, I try to get in touch with people working on this. I am not a JCP Member at all but "just" an addicted open-source Java developer.

Indeed mmm-ui-* is fully focused on frontends (not only desktop) and if I understood correctly JakartaEE seems to be the wrong place for these kind of topics (I was not aware that it is "backend only", from JavaEE history I understood its all about enterprise and from my business background frontends are still very relevant for enterprises but Java is loosing importance in the frontend and therefore on the long run also in the backend as fronend developers then also tend to suggest NodeJS and NestJS backends for instance. That is actually the reason why Microsoft heavily invests into Blazor fromework to keep .NET/C# in the market.). I do not know if Java still has a place to discuss overall standardizations but I can try to get in contact both with JavaFx and Oracle teams.

In my initial post I was also suggesting to discuss about If I am not mistaken JSON-P is a JavaEE standard. So thinking beyond JSON could be worth a thought. If that is also wrong here it seems I have a wrong understanding of JakartaEE. However, I can try to get in touch with JSON and Validation developer mailing lists and try my luck there.

p.s: I could explain my project structure, versioning, history, and whether ideas are too late or not, but I think this would also be quite pointless here. In case anyone is really interested in this get in touch with me on my project on github. For the record I also raised my ideas five years ago in Java forums and people were saying that my plans will never work out, others have already tried this and failed utterly and I should show up if it really works. Now it really works and my PoCs already show an impressive potential. So I will try other places to find alliance.

Thank you for having a look and considering some chances.



Am 27.03.2021 um 16:07 schrieb Werner Keil:

I don't want to discourage you but I don't see a lot of your libraries using Jakarta EE yet, so maybe this could be the wrong list to advertise it?🤔

Making heavy use of the "Jigsaw" JPMS is a good thing at least in my opinion but I got quite confused between "base", "main" and "core" among all your modules sometimes. It also seems quite odd, that it is still at 0.2.x after more than 20 years (the copyright header says 2001-2021) 

Many of those ideas probably come late, the biggest overlap seems with JSR 377, which not very surprising is now dormant:, I can't say if you are a Full JCP Member already nor if 377 could ever leave the dormant state, but most of the modules I see in your library are much more desktop or "RCP" focussed and only very few of them have anything to do with Jakarta EE. The "config" module but there are already many "cooks" involved in that kitchen, so it could be a little late there, but stay tuned and maybe subscribe to some of the detail "dev" spec lists for JSON, Validation or (if it came into existence) Jakarta Configuration.

For all the other stuff like JavaFX or JEPs, you're just in the wrong place here.


On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 11:10 AM Hohwiller, Jörg via <> wrote:
Dear JakartaEE Community and Experts,

I started on slack and was suggested to send to this mailing list.

Still I hope I am not misplaced here, but I would like to get in touch
for what I have created in my OSS project:
It might look like yet another Java framework but this is really a
marvellous approach to let Java rock.
Maybe I can find some people here in order to find ways getting this in
a broader direction and potentially brining in some parts as JEPs,
candidates for JakartaEE, etc. or so.

In a nutshell, I have created a universal UI API using Java Interfaces:
Then I created implementations for that like ui-fx that allows to run
the Frontend using JavaFx on the desktop, or ui-tvm to cross-compile it
to JS or WASM and run it in the browser, also I am working on ui-android
and there is ui-test for simple JUnit testing of the UIs without complex
mocking but design for testability.
So with one code-base you can reach all channels.

There are also smaller modules that could be interesting like
mmm-marshall that allows marshalling and unmarshalling to any structured
format such as JSON, YAML, XML, ProtoBuf from one code. Maybe that one
could be the starting point to shape a future JakartaEE standard if
others agree that the idea is good...

Also there is a minimal but very powerful API like Localizable
that may be a candidate for a JEP to add to a future JDK version.
Currently this is fully implemented in mmm-nls. But JDK MessageFormat
could be extended to ship an implementation directly with the JDK.

Might all be too much at once and overwhelming or over-ambitious, but I
hope to find people who are interested to get into discussion for making
Java even better :)

Thanks in advance...

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