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Re: [] [] Minutes of the Sept 1, 2020 Jakarta EE Steering Committee meeting

Do you mean the summary of the minutes on the mailing list and/or Jakarta EE pages?

I can only speak for the Spec Committee, but we discussed this last week, and I assume they should be treated similarly.


On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 7:03 PM Amelia Eiras <aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thank you Will, cmte-chair,  for on behalf of the Committee sending a copy/paste of the approved minutes directly to the WG mailing list. This is a serious improvement for the project. 

Is there a plan to scale this action and implement it, without deviation,  as one of the project communication rules for the Marketing and the Specification private groups as well?

Thanks for the follow up, 

On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 8:04 AM <will.lyons@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello -

Minutes of the Sept 1, 2020 Jakarta Steering Committee are provided below.

Jakarta EE Steering Committee minutes are regularly published at the following location:

These minutes will be published at the above link.  Minutes of the Marketing and Specification Committees are available at this location as well.



Minutes of the September 1, 2020 Jakarta EE Steering Committee Meeting 

Please refer to your meeting invitation for the zoom password.


Fujitsu: Kenji Kazumura

IBM:  Dan Bandera, Neil Patterson, Kevin Sutter

Oracle: Will Lyons, Ed Bratt

Payara: Eliot Martin

Red Hat: Mark Little

Tomitribe: David Blevins, Cesar Hernandez

Enterprise Member representative: Not present

Participant member representative: Not present

Committer member representative: Not present

(Quorum is 5 -- simple-majority or one-half of the members (if even number) must be present)

Eclipse: Tanja Obradovic, Shabnam Mayel, Ivar Grimstad, Paul White

Review of Minutes from Prior Meetings       

Minutes of the August 18 meeting were approved.

Minutes of the August 25 meeting will be reviewed next time.

Jakarta EE 9 Spec Project Status

  • Spec project board (new column for links to TCK and GF board)

  • TCK issues

  • Schedule

  • August 25 update (last week)

    • Current status - no new specs are open for ballot:

    • Schedule

      • The working schedule is for Jakarta EE 9 GA the week of Nov 1

        • Seems doable from spec process perspective

        • Doable from TCK team perspective - significant progress from last week.   See TCK update below.

        • Would enable a fall Livestream event.   Marketing committee recommends a November 12th Livestream date with a fall back of December 8th.

      • We discussed selecting a GA date and associated Livestream date target, bearing in mind:

        • We have agreed delivery of Jakarta EE 9 on or before Livestream date is important

        • Livestream will be scheduled based on our target GA date

        • We have agreed that once a new Livestream date is announced, we will not change the Livestream date

        • Therefore, we should select the new Jakarta EE 9 GA date target with reasonable confidence

        • Must decide on a GA data and Livestream date (pair) by Sept 11

        • It is possible there may be more ability to demo compatible full/web profile implementations if the date is later, and perhaps implementations with individual specs (e.g. Servlet)

        • It is also acceptable to do a “dark release” prior to Dec 8

        • The consensus was to defer the decision of a Livestream date to Sept 1 or Sept 8.  The Livestream data can be selected the week of Sept 8.

    • September 1 status update

      • Recommend we review the following status page


        • The following are DONE - thanks to the teams for completing these specs!

          • Jakarta Bean Validation

          • Jakarta Dependency Injection

          • Jakarta Batch (clarify process of absent vote)

        • The following are in Ballot - thanks to the teams for getting these specs ready!

          • Jakarta Activation

          • Jakarta Authorization

          • Jakarta Mail

          • Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI)

        • The following are close - what can be done to accelerate/complete moving these to ballot?:

          • Jakarta Annotations

          • Jakarta Persistence

          • Jakarta Web Services Metadata

          • Jakarta Interceptors

          • Jakarta JSON Processing

          • Jakarta Servlet

          • Jakarta SOAP with Attachments

          • Jakarta Authentication

          • Jakarta Debugging Support for Other Languages

          • Jakarta JSON Binding

        • Are there any general actions that will help the above and the remaining projects move forward?

          • Jenkins job access -  done

          • Process for closing ballots if all votes have not been recorded - awaiting email from Scott W.  Will discuss at spec committee

          • David checked for obvious “javax namespace” errors in specs (not in PRs themselves)

          • Losing track of uncompleted checklist items - spec committee

          • Full engagement from all spec leads and mentors

          • Have a set of specs for which there is no PR:

      • Schedule

        • We deferred the decision of a target GA date and a Livestream date to Sept 8.  The Livestream data can be selected the week of Sept 8.

Eclipse GlassFish 6.0 Status - Steve Millidge/Eliot Martin

Tooling - No update

Marketing Committee Update and Jakarta EE Update Calls

  • JakartaOne Livestream 2020 (virtual)

    • Need to know the date by September 11th

    • Recommend November 12th with a fall back of December 8th

  • Jakarta EE Community Project / repository

    • Working session held today to further review - agreed that a Jakarta EE Collateral Repository would be best approach

      • Tracking and monitoring of the work will be done in GitHub

      • Contributor/Committer - we will require an Eclipse Contributor Agreement, and Eclipse account.

        • Initial committers will manage promotion of contributors to committers

        • Committee responsible for approving community generated documents.

      • Collateral artifacts are not explicitly managed by Eclipse Foundation and they need to be managed by members of the Jakarta EE Marketing Committee 

      • Tanja to investigate getting the “Jakarta EE Collateral Repository” created in Github under EE4J project and report Thursday

      • Group to work on the documents.

  • Jakarta EE Community China Website

    • Moving forward with localization of main Jakarta EE site to support Chinese community - will have additional page off main site to support specific additions of the community

  • Jakarta EE Update Calls

  • 2020 JakartaOne Livestream Events Doc

    • Marketing Committee members to provide feedback on the process doc

    • Steering Committee members welcome to comment as well

    • Events

    • Tanja sent note to WG members regarding interest in presenting in the native language

    • Turkish and Chinese events being considered

      • David requested the be spread out over time

      • Turkey event being proposed for CY2021

    • CFP is still open for all events - see Tanja’s email

  • J4K conference - Oct 13-14 

    • Sign up for virtual booth duty

    • Suggestion to have a 30 mins public Steering Committee meeting as part of the conference on Oct 13 (same time slot)

      • Consensus was to participate as requested - we will tailor the agenda

  • JakartaOne Livestream Brazil (virtual)

    • We are very grateful to Hudson Kelly for his help with this event

    • The event date occurred on August 29th and the Program Committee so far is:

      • Otávio Gonçalves de Santana

      • Bruno F. Souza

      • Elder Moraes

      • Paulo Alberto Simoes

Jakarta EE 2020 Operational Plan 

Providing resources to the marketing committee & strict 2 people per org limit on committee participation

  • Do we need a 2 person limit (in terms of number of participants attending the meeting)

  • The Steering Committee agreed that sub-committees may permit more than 2 participants in the call, provided

    • It is clear there is one vote per member, and who will be voting on a given issue

    • The individual sub-committee chair is comfortable with the additional participation

Jakarta EE Advocate feedback on JetBrains webinar - Ivar Grimstad 

  • Ivar presented the slide deck below on Aug 25

  • Slide deck

  • We will discuss next time - move up in the agenda

Email thread: "Jakarta EE Working Group Charter requires attention] Committee Calls "private" vs "public" + Misc"

  • Did not resolve during Aug 25 meeting

  • We will come back to this Sept 8 - move up in the agenda

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