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Re: [] Jakarta EE Update call - April 8th, 2020

You are wonderful Tanja, thank you for sending the call reminder today! 

A few things as I will attend tomorrow's call, in advance will repeat what I have stated since the beginning of these calls back in 2018 Q2. 
  1. The agenda presentation HERE provides no option for the viewer to add comments or help clarify topics by direct questions ahead of time. 
  2. Neither the agenda sent via these emails nor the call slides welcome anyone from the community (new commer or current contributor) to add "tentative" topics. 
  3. HOW and WHY do we continue to call the Jakarta EE Project a community run project while at the same time continue to push via actions contrary statements? 
  4. Being fed information that is 1 way a is not the same as being a part of the process, 360 form vision. This 180 format is a choice, can we vote on changing it to 360 iteration instead of what currently is? 
Every problem and every misunderstanding is human and wants to be solved. 
Solutions are possible if we not only police with care what currently is while welcoming different points of view but also and most importantly WHEN each current and potential Jakartee, ( a Contributor) becomes also a Moderator and an integral/CORE part of the actions that lead to ANY change. 

Looking forward to tomorrow's call. THIS 1hr goal is not to "notify" stuff, it needs to empower THIS Jakarta Community to feel TRUE ownership. 

Let's be better, my first step is prioritizing this call attendance, showing UP, hear you tmw!  

What about other Jakartees here?   

On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 9:20 AM Tanja Obradovic <tanja.obradovic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello dear Jakarta EE community,

quick note to remind you about the tomorrow's call

Agenda - Wednesday April 8, 2020

  • Getting started guide for Jakarta EE contributions - Ivar Grimstad, 

  • Update from the Eclipse Foundation - Ivar Grimstad, Shabnam Mayel, Tanja Obradovic

    • News, events, programs, marketing

  • Topics / questions from the community

Please join the call! If you are not already involved with Jakarta EE, this is an opportunity to learn how to help deliver Jakarta EE 9 release! We'll aslo share news on Eclipse Foundation activities related to Jakarta EE.

Bring your questions, topics and suggestions to the call and help us make it better for you!

Here is the dial in information:

Wednesday, April 811:00am – 12:00pm EST

Please refer to the Jakarta EE Community Folder for material related to this call, and other relevant documents as well.

Best Regards,

Tanja Obradovic

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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