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Re: [] [] Jakarta EE working group committee representatives

Thank you Paul.  

Congratulations to each individual who will take their Jakarta EE seats this July to move this project ecosystem forward!

To the EF team & broader Jakarta EE Community,  

The Jakarta EE Working Group is the successor organization to the JCP.   
Because we care about merging what we have learned from the past 20years at JCP PLUS the 15 years at Eclipse, the Jakarta EE project could benefit from proactively acquiring the best processes & practices that have shown to work. 

Wearing my Jakartee shoes and using 2017 JCP elections as an example, can the Jakarta EE elections at least mirror some of the practices stated below? 

JCP 2017 Executive Committee elections 

Detailed Election Results:

Election schedule: requires 1 improvement (see item 2 from Recommendations below)

  1. Nomination Period: (nicely viable today)
  2. Election period: (2 weeks)
  3. winning candidates announced: (usually within the week after elections are closed)

What about the Inventory of the Community who gets to vote? 

  • Number of Eligible voters: (number)
    1. Enterprise Members: (number)
    2. Participant Members: (number)
    3. Committer Members: (number)
  • Percent of eligible voters casting votes:  (%) 

Using 1 Cmtee Example: 

Steering Committee Seats can we: 
List of All the Candidates (Names)       Number of Votes /Percentage of votes

Elected Seats:  (based on available seats):  state how many were elected by providing

  • Candidate  Name &  Votes (number & percentage) respectively

Recommendations for the Next (3rd) Jakarta EE Committee Elections: 

  1. Use Jakarta Social Media to push each layer of the election process
  2. Use the Jakarta Community call (or a special 1 video conference)  for “Meet the Jakarta EE Committee Candidates"
  3. Require Nominees (Individuals & Companies) to write-up  Public Statements explaining why they are the best candidate for “seat"

Thank you for the follow up! 

DISCLOSURE: This message also exists to hopefully enable any of you, in this vibrant community, to feel MOST welcomed to send via open forums your thoughts, feedback, and/or what you could do or (could be doing) to complement today’s Jakarta EE activities.  JustFUN!

On Jun 12, 2019, at 7:56 AM, Paul White <paul.white@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


The nomination period for elections to the Jakarta EE committees closed last week. 

The positions have all been filled by acclimation, with the exception that there were no nominees for the Committer representative on the Marketing Committee.  

Therefore, I’m pleased to announce the representatives for 2019-20 on the committees, beginning July 1, are: 

Participant Representative:

STEERING COMMITTEE - Martijn Verburg (London Java Community)
SPECIFICATIONS COMMITTEE - Alex Theedom (London Java Community)
MARKETING COMMITTEE - Theresa Nguyen (Microsoft)

Committer Representative:


Thank you to Simon Maple for his service to the Marketing Committee for the past 12 months. 

Kind regards,

Paul White
+1.613.852.4303 (mobile)

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