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Re: [] About Profiles

If we talk about other possible new profiles, I don't think JCache has a place there except by mixing-in other existing JSRs (in this case one that never made it into Java EE) If the already big Full Profile could and should be blown up with additional specs like MVC or JCache, hard to say, it would certainly put even more burden on implementors/vendors to comply with all of these as well. 
Allowing individual specs like Cache or MVC (or Configuration once it finishes, MVC is also not final yet) to add value to an existing profile as add-on or optional components, I guess that would make sense.

+1 on Security, it is an important part and too often forgotten even in real world production environments.


On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 7:13 PM, arjan tijms <arjan.tijms@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Not sure if it always should be the profile.

JSF directly depends on bean validation, Servlet and CDI. 

EE security directly depends on JASPIC, CDI and _expression_ language.

I don’t think it’s wise to say;

Here’s EE Security, here’s JASPIC and here’s CDI. Let all profiles decide how they are used together.

Effectively, each profile containing EE security would then basically contain the EE security spec itself, which think would not be such a good idea.

On Thursday, May 10, 2018, Richard Monson-Haefel <rmonson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
If you have a standard for caching and a standard JPA and you want to combine them into a profile, then the profile should fill the gaps in terms of how these two technologies integrate.

On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 2:52 PM, Mrinal Kanti <design@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
What about service providers (say, caching)?

How about the scenario when the spec implementation refers to other specs which are not referred in the spec itself. For example, if a Jcache implementation uses JPA to persist cached objects (for distributed access or failover) then how would the profile handle this (assuming Jcache spec has no association with the JPA spec)?

Should the Jcache implementation ship it own version of JPA (and its implementation)? If so, then what happens when the user upgrades their application from one profile (which does not have JPA) to another (that has JPA)?


On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 10:44 PM, Scott Stark <sstark@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
A given distribution incorporating implementations from different vendors is just a detail. What matters is that the distribution has gone through the trouble of certifying the behavior of a test suite/TCK for a profile that provides some level of confidence that a user can write applications that combine a the apis from a profile and have the app run on different distributions.

This is also the point of profile specification in my view. A given spec should not be making references to every other possible spec they can be combined with. Rather, a profile specification should define the integration requirements and have corresponding TCK tests for validation of those requirements.

On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 10:34 AM, arjan tijms <arjan.tijms@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 7:14 PM, Richard Monson-Haefel <rmonson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I believe that Glassfish and IBM fully implement Java EE 8 but no one would be required to implement the full profile.

They provide the full platform, but don't implement it fully themselves.

GlassFish for instance bundles Weld (CDI), and Hibernate Validator (Bean Validation).

IBM bundles MyFaces (JSF), OWB (Weld), EclipseLink (JPA), BVal (Bean Validation), etc.

That’s the whole point of having sub-profiles. 

That's more the definition of a sub-profile, not necessarily the point of it ;) 

I'm not sure if a bloated product line-up with a dozen profiles really makes things easier for users.

It’s not boated, it simple the largest profile from which the sub-profiles are derived.

Just to be sure, I didn't mean the full profile is bloated, but that having a plethora of different profiles makes for a bloated product line-up.

I was just remembered today about the many models that Apple had in its line-up before Steve Jobs returned. One of the first things Steve Jobs did was to slash all those barely different models (essentially, "profiles" of a base Mac model), and simplify things by having a small product line-up.

Kind regards,

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