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  • Re: [iot-wg] [iot-pmc] Eclipse IoT Community Metrics - April 2016, (continued)
  • [iot-wg] Californium 1.0.4 released, Hudalla Kai (INST/ESY1)
  • [iot-wg] Dzone article on IoT an standards, Scott Lewis
  • [iot-wg] Introduction, Hanu Kommalapati
  • [iot-wg] IoT Community Update - April 2016, Roxanne Joncas
  • [iot-wg] Early June Press Release - IoT Projects, Roxanne Joncas
  • [iot-wg] Fwd: Re: Agenda for IOT WG Meeting - April 27, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Agenda for IOT WG Meeting - April 27, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] IoT World 2016 - Demo Invitation, Roxanne Joncas
  • [iot-wg] New interesting LocationTech project proposal for indoor positioning, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Eclipse IoT Metrics - March 2016, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] ECF 3.13.1 released, Scott Lewis
  • [iot-wg] How-to run Zulu Embedded ARM32 on Raspberry Pi, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Promoting conferences, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] [CFP]International Journal of Vehicular Telematics and Infotainment Systems (IJVTIS), Daxin Tian
  • [iot-wg] The 15th International Conference on Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques (SoMeT 2016): Last Mile - Deadline Approaching!, Announce Announcements
  • [iot-wg] 22nd ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2017): First Call for Workshop Proposals, Announce Announcements
  • [iot-wg] Fwd: Call for Papers - International Journal of Internet of Things and Cyber-Assurance, Tyson Brooks
  • [iot-wg] Smart Summit Frankfurt, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Nice write-up about last week's London event, Andrea Ross
  • [iot-wg] Reminder: IoT WG call tomorrow, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] What makes good API tutorials, jingxuanzhang
  • [iot-wg] Last push for the IoT Developer survey, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] New IoT project proposal, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Last week to participate in the IoT Developer Survey, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] A night of tech & merriment in London - March 23, Andrea Ross
  • [iot-wg] ECF 3.13 released, Scott Lewis
  • [iot-wg] Tomorrow's call is canceled, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Open IoT Challenge Winners, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] New project proposal for IoT, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Today's Eclipse Foundation AGM - 14:00 EST in Reston ABC room, Andrea Ross
  • [iot-wg] Air and Space Museum Annex trip at EclipseCon NA today, Jay Jay Billings
  • [iot-wg] Mozilla & IoT, Mike Milinkovich
  • [iot-wg] IoT WG Meeting Postpone until next week, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] FW: [] 2016 Eclipse Foundation Elections: Voting Closes Tomorrow!, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Eclipse Foundation Board Elections, Carrer, Marco
  • [iot-wg] IoT Summit Lightning Talks, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Geospatial Sensor Webs Conference, Andrea Ross
  • [iot-wg] IoT and Beer - meetup next week, Jens Reimann
  • [iot-wg] IoT WG Meeting, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Bosch ConnectedExperience 2016 on March 8-9 in Berlin, Germany, Tauschmann Andrea (INST/MKC4)
  • [iot-wg] Eclipse IoT Metrics - January 2016, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Agenda for next IoT PMC meeting this Wednesday, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] IoT Unconference on March 10 at EclipseCon, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] TM Forum Open Hack in Lisbon !, Pierre Gauthier
  • [iot-wg] Iot and Beer meetup in Munich - 2016-02-25, Jens Reimann
  • [iot-wg] IoT Strategy document now on the wiki, Ian Skerrett

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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