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Re: [iot-wg] NB IoT and LTE-M - AW: Eclipse IoT WG monthly call

Thank you for sharing this, Joerg!



Program Manager — IoT and Edge Computing | Eclipse Foundation

Twitter: @BlueberryCoder

Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

On Tue, 28 Feb 2023 at 13:13, <info@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Frederic and all,


Since the question arose: We know that partners will use NB-IoT and LTE-M on their IoT devices depending on their specific use case.

There are many small and efficient modules available for IoT modem solutions, e.g.


You could use NB-IoT for "no real-time AI decisions", meaning you don't have to rely on high latency. Suppose a drone needs to calculate the number of people in a video for general car traffic measurements like congestion, parking and environmental data (e.g. pollution), but it doesn't matter if the transmission has low latency and you'll get the results due to the long transmission time in a few seconds from the server.

You could already use LTE-M today for "near real-time AI decisions" because you need low latency here. Let's say a drone needs to follow an identified object or person and relies on timely decisions and cannot spend a long transmission time.


This Ericsson document covers the different types of IoT connectivity (for the drone example, I would consider comparing it to automotive, see yellow):


Kind regards,



-----Ursprünglicher Termin-----
Von: Google Kalender <calendar-notification@xxxxxxxxxx> Im Auftrag von Eclipse IoT Working Group shared calendar
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2023 22:17
Betreff: Eclipse IoT WG monthly call
Zeit: Dienstag, 28. Februar 2023 17:00-18:00 Europe/Paris.


Eclipse IoT WG monthly call

Hi everyone.This is the new monthly Eclipse IoT working group meeting.The permanent agenda is here:&nbsp; free t



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