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[iot-wg] Eclipse IoT Community Metrics - June 2017


Some of you had certainly realised that I’d stopped sharing metrics about Eclipse IoT that are usually a good indicator of how active the projects and the community at large are. This was due to some issues with our metrics collection processes and is now fixed. You will find attached the latest report.

After about 6 months of absence, it’s good to be back and to look at some interesting figures such as:
  • 286 different people have contributed/committed code to Eclipse IoT projects over the last 12 months,
  • 3000 messages have been exchanged on our mailing lists on that same period,
  • We’ve passed 2.5 Million Lines of Code across all projects,
  • On a year-to-year basis, most projects are clearly growing: number of contributors, code commits, issues fixed, etc.

Let me know if you have any questions,
Benjamin -

Attachment: Eclipse IoT metrics - 2017-06.pptx
Description: MS-Powerpoint 2007 presentation

Attachment: Eclipse IoT metrics - 2017-06.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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