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[iot-wg] F2F Meeting Agenda + Eclipse IoT Day

Happy Friday to everyone!

Here is the schedule for the face-to-face Eclipse IoT Working Group meeting happening the morning of March 21 from 9 am to 1 pm, the day after the Eclipse IoT Day.
9:00 - 10:30 Project Updates / New Project Introduction

Project Updates
- Eclipse ioFog, Kilton Hopkins, IOTRACKS
- Eclipse SmartHome, Kai Kreuzer, Deutsche Telekom
- Eclipse Kura, David Woodard, Eurotech
- Eclipse Edje, Fred Rivard, MicroEJ
- Eclipse hawkBit, Michael Hirsch, Bosch SI
- Eclipse Che, Brad Micklea, Codenvy

New Project Introduction
- Eclipse Ditto, Michael Hirsch, Bosch SI

10:45 - 11:30 Invited Speakers
LWM2M Update, Joaquin Prado, OMA
Eclipse Vert.x, Julien Viet

11:30 - 13:00 Collaboration Topics / Open Whiteboard
Eclipse IoT Testbeds, Benjamin Cabé, Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse IoT Marketplace, Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
Open discussion

If you're attending and would like to present an Eclipse project update, please let me know.



Roxanne Joncas
Eclipse Foundation

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