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Re: [iot-wg] Testbeds for Eclipse IoT tech and ecosystem

Hi Benjamin,

that looks interesting. Just some comments:
- what about linking the scenarios with the different models described in your whitepaper ?
- break it down: busines case -> architecture -> show case

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards

Joerg Wende

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Inactive hide details for Benjamin Cabé ---21.12.2016 17:26:37---Hi,Benjamin Cabé ---21.12.2016 17:26:37---Hi,

From: Benjamin Cabé <benjamin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: IoT Working Group mailing list <iot-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 21.12.2016 17:26
Subject: [iot-wg] Testbeds for Eclipse IoT tech and ecosystem
Sent by: iot-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx


In 2017, we would like to spend more time putting together demonstrators and testbed that showcase Eclipse technology, and how it can be used together with the commercial solutions of member companies.
I’ve drafted a first scenario that focus on an Industry 4.0 / Smart Factory use case – see

I am looking forward to getting your feedback on this, and discussing further with people attending the call in ~40 minutes. FWIW it would be nice to think of a few other scenarios (home automation, fleet management, … come to mind) and do a similar exercise of identifying what the end-to-end solution could look like, and what projects could be involved.
Next year, the goal would be to have individuals and companies collaborate to implement the testbeds.

Benjamin -

Benjamin Cabé – IoT Evangelist

Eclipse Foundation
+33 (0) 619196101

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