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[iot-wg] IoT Community Update - September 2016

Hi everyone,

It’s September! Welcome back to the office. A lot has happened this month, here is the monthly Eclipse IoT community summary.

New Projects

Access Control Service (ACS)

The new ACS project aims to provides an access control service that enables RESTful applications to easily protect their resources.

Community News

Eclipse Unide – Steps to understand industry devices

The new Eclipse Unide project aims to make Production Performance Management (PPM) affordable for smaller organizations by reducing the cost and complexity of data communication. Read on to find out why and how.

Industrial IoT leaders work towards interoperability and open source collaboration

Bosch and GE Digital have announced that they want to collaborate on open source IoT software… and that they plan on doing this here, at Eclipse IoT!

Social Media

We passed 5,000 followers on Twitter and it’s growing quickly! Don’t forget to tweet @EclipseIoT with Eclipse project or member news, event photos or anything that is Eclipse IoT relevant to be retweeted!

Past Conferences/Events

This month we were at ThingMonk, ran an IoT workshop for Women Who Code London and CoedCode, and also at JavaOne. All three events were great!

The Eclipse IoT Day @ ThingMonk was well attended, about 90 participants. The best part was that the attendees were knowledgeable about Eclipse IoT which made for great exchanges. The IoT Workshop hosted by Women Who Code and CoedCode was very fun! It was great to meet new faces.

The Eclipse Foundation booth at JavaOne was a great opportunity for attendees to come and learn what’s new in the Eclipse community, and at Eclipse IoT in particular. We had great demos of Eclipse SmartHome, Eclipse Kura, and several other projects that were very well received.

Upcoming Conferences/Events

IoT Working Group Meeting  @ EclipseCon Europe 2016

Oct 24 | Ludwigsburg, Germany Planning to attend the IoT Working Group Meeting on Monday, October 24 and would like to give a Project update or introduction? Put your name next to the project on this page:

IoT Day @ EclipseCon Europe 2016

Oct 25 | Ludwigsburg, Germany   

IoT World Europe November 20–22, 2016 | Dublin, Ireland

Call for Papers

Devoxx US

March 21-23, 2017 | San Jose, California

Call for papers deadline - Oct 11

Virtual IoT Meetup

Interested in presenting/demoing your awesome IoT project/app through a Virtual IoT meetup? Have a cool speaker/topic idea? Let us know!


Oct 13: Eclipse ioFog

Recently Aired

Sept 28: Eclipse Edje: A Java API for Microcontrollers

We are open to suggestions, let us know what’s on your mind iot@xxxxxxxxxxx.



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