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[iot-wg] Mozilla Open Source Support Program - Mission Partners (deadline tomorrow)

Hi all,


Sincere apologies for not sending this earlier, but I thought you might be interested in learning more about, and applying to Mozilla’s MOSS program. This program is awarding some open source projects, either used within Mozilla products or simply important to Mozilla, with a yearly budget of around $3 million.


Projects can apply, to two different tracks (a third one around security is coming):

·         On an ongoing basis, projects can apply to the Foundational Technology [1] track. Projects need a Mozilla champion. I do not know any Mozillian that well myself, but I do know that technologies like e.g Eclipse Orion can certainly be deemed Foundational Technology (since AFAIK it is used in their scratchpad, right? Could probably be added to [2], if that is still true)

·         With a deadline tomorrow (yah, I apologized earlier, and that is why :-/), projects can apply to the Mission Partners track [3]. It is “open to any open source project in the world which is undertaking an activity that meaningfully furthers Mozilla’s mission.”. My guess is many IoT and Cloud projects fall into this category J. I am happy to be the “endorser” Mozilla is asking for, in the case of Eclipse IoT projects at least J Please let me know if you plan on applying, or need help putting together a proposal.


A bit more background on the initiative in the following blog post:




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