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Re: [iot-wg] [iot-pmc] How-to run Zulu Embedded ARM32 on Raspberry Pi

I already tested Eclipse SmartHome on it two weeks ago and I can confirm that it runs nicely.

I couldn’t make out any real different to the OracleJDK in terms of performance and stability.
Which is pretty weird, because the „normal“ OpenJDK builds that you can get for ARM boards is almost unusable (taking minutes to start, having JVM crashes, etc.).

So I wonder what miracle the Zulu guys have achieved here - well done!


On 05 Apr 2016, at 17:52, Benjamin Cabé <benjamin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I've just blogged about how to install Zulu Embedded JVM on Raspberry Pi.
Zulu is a 100% open-source, royalty-free JVM that is now also compatible with ARM32, which means it can run on platforms like Raspberry Pi. It would be great to see Eclipse IoT projects like Eclipse Kura, Eclipse SmartHome, Eclipse Leshan and others give it a try and report their experience. FWIW I've experimented Kura and it works pretty much seamlessly.

Zulu Embedded is available in the different Java SE Embedded Compact Profiles, as well as a full SE API (headless version). It's in early-access version at the moment, but I think it looks like a very interesting underlying platform for Java-based Eclipse IoT projects that are targeting embedded.

Benjamin –

Benjamin Cabé – IoT Evangelist

Eclipse Foundation
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