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Re: [iot-wg] [science-iwg] Nice write-up about last week's London event

Dear Matt, & Everyone

That's great feedback, thank you.

It is our hope that this becomes a regular thing, and helps people in the UK get together as you suggest. For any who are interested to help organize the next one, or speaking, please contact me on or off the WG lists.

Kind regards,


On 04/04/16 04:45, Matt.Gerring@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:



Well done for organising this. Could it be that the Eclipse foundation will help those (outside the financial sector so far) in London to come together in new and interesting ways? I know that some of my colleges were impressed by the different technologies on show, for instance the geogig and espruino talks. Not something we would normally come into contact with, thanks.


All the best,




From: science-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:science-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Andrea Ross
Sent: 30 March 2016 14:26
To: Location IWG; science-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx; iot-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [science-iwg] Nice write-up about last week's London event


Dear Everyone,

I wanted to share an excellent blog post by Tracy Miranda about last week's Eclipse Converge event in London. I recommend reading it to get a sense of what a wonderful event it was.

Thank you to the speakers for sharing their knowledge and doing great talks: Joe Allnut, Jacob Filik, Boris Adryan, Gordon Williams, David and Simpson.

Huge thanks to Tracy Miranda, Luke Hampson, Joe Allnut, and James Milner for their work organizing. And special thanks to the Ordnance Survey & Geovation Hub for hosting us. It was a great venue, in a really good location.




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