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[iot-wg] Community metrics for Eclipse IoT projects (ACTION REQUIRED for project leads)


Following our last call, I started to put together a wiki page listing some of the metrics we should start collecting –
You may be interested in the quick reminder on how to make sure to track your downloads.

Also, In order to allow me to consolidate the web analytics for the IoT projects websites, please make sure to follow the very simple procedure indicated in the page to give Eclipse Foundation read access to the statistics:

In order to allow Eclipse Foundation's staff to consolidate statistics for all projects, please give eclipsefdn@xxxxxxxxx "Read & Analyze" access to your statistics. 
This can be done from Google Analytics' Administration UI, in the User Management section of your account. More info: here.

I would really appreciate if you could do this before EclipseCon Europe since I think it would be great to have the consolidated stats by then! 

Thanks in advance,
Benjamin –

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