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Re: [iot-wg] Thingmonk

I attended last year and it was a very good conference. The attendees were mostly from the London IoT community, startups and large companies.  Eclipse is a sponsor this year and I will submit a talk. 


Julien you should definitely submit a talk.  Let me know what you do and I will try to help champion it.


They are also going to do a Hack Day. I am hoping to get some Eclipse IoT content into the hack day.




From: iot-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:iot-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Julien Vermillard
Sent: September-18-14 9:44 AM
To: IoT Working Group mailing list
Subject: [iot-wg] Thingmonk



The thingmonk call for paper is open:
Last edition was looking fun, a lot of coverage on tweeter.
Maybe I'll propose something about protocols or DM/security.

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