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[iot-pmc] Committer Election for Jeroen Koekkoek on Eclipse Cyclone DDS has started

A committer election for Jeroen Koekkoek on project Eclipse Cyclone DDS
(iot.cyclonedds) was started by Erik Boasson with this criteria:

Jeroen has made many valuable contributions. He authored or completely
rebuilt major components, including: the platform abstraction and the
structure of it; support for FreeRTOS, thereby also paving the way for other
embedded systems; the initial stages of the new preprocessor being built; and
the build and test system. The relatively small number of commits belies the
size of his contribution. The nature of some of his contributions is such
that they ended up as very few massive commits touching almost all of the
code base. E.g., introducing a new and better platform abstraction affects
everything and is a massive amount of work, but the result is really only a
handful of commits because the changes are interdependent. Good examples of
his contributions are and

He has also furthermore been active in reviewing pull requests and his review
comments are highly appreciated and relied upon by me, e.g.:

Perhaps it is good to point out that this is the second time Jeroen is
nominated. The first time, about a year ago, the PMC rightly raised two
issues. The first, that of the lack of a solid track record. I believe that
his current track record clearly shows he cares about the quality and
openness of the project and that he is an important contributor to the

The second issue was one of the project structure: why is another committer
needed if there are already 3 project leads and 4 committers? The issue then,
as now, is that although there are many on paper, I am the only one of them
who actually contributes to the project — and, with a few very minor
exceptions, has contributed in the past. So the abundance of people in the
project should not be held against Jeroen. Indeed, I am keen to have a second
committer on my side, one who moreover contributes a lot in areas that are
not my own specialty.

Eclipse Cyclone DDS project committers can click the election link below to



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