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[iot-pmc] [CQ 17072] Californium OSCORE, PR #679

--- Comment #7 from Achim Kraus <achim.kraus@xxxxxxxxxxxx>  2018-08-03 03:23:54 ---
>  * The attachment includes a test directory, I think that should be removed
> for this CQ.

Removed. But I'm not sure, if this is the right approach, because this stuff is
intended to be maintained by eclipse together with the previous provided tests. 

>  * I don't see any references to the origin of this work. Is it here [1], as
>  referenced in CQ #16839?

Let me try to explain it:
- there are 3 third-party libraries, which contains a lot of stuff. They
intended to be "used only", and are not intended to be maintained by eclipse.
- the oscore module of californium itself is then developed by the persons
mentioned in authors. That oscore is the glue-code, which combines the three
libraries, and it implements the COSE tailoring (means COSE is a very bride
general spec. OSCORE reduce the general functionality, it maps some general
artefacts to CoAP specific ones). The work contained there is either introduced
with the californium oscore module, or it is copied from the COSE (Cq #1639)
and modified to comply to the specific OSCORE definitions. 

> PMC - Does this CQ require a vote, since a similar CQ was approved (#16839)?

Yes, I think it requires that! CQ 16839 is not similar, it's a base
implementation used by it. (As OSCORE spec refers also to COSE).

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