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[iot-pmc] Reminder to vote on Committer Election for Angelo Corsaro on Eclipse Cyclone DDS

Voting will close tomorrow for the committer election of Angelo Corsaro on
project Eclipse Cyclone DDS (iot.cyclonedds).


Apart from (being nominated as) co project-lead, Angelo will be also
committing code on Eclipse Cyclone DDS.

The lead-criteria also apply here:
- Angelo Corsaro (CTO at ADLINK Technology) will be leading a team of
committers on the evolution of Eclipse Cyclone w.r.t. advanced features
(these committers are all part of the 'Advanced Technology Office' of ADLINK)
- Angelo has committed the first ISOCPP and Java5 API's on DDS, has
co-authered the DDSI and X-types specifications and has been promoting this
technology for many years (as for instance captured on 'slideshare', see

Eclipse Cyclone DDS project committers can click the election link below to



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