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[iot-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Simon Kaufmann

iot PMC Members,
This automatically generated message marks the completion of voting for
Simon Kaufmann's Committer status on the iot.smarthome project. As a PMC
member, you can approve or disapprove this vote through your My Foundation
portal page:

Simon Kaufmann was nominated by Kai Kreuzer as follows:
I would like to nominate Simon as an Eclipse SmartHome committer since he
knows our codebase inside out, has done major contributions over the past
two years and I expect many more of them in the future.

I was myself surprised that he already did 131 pull requests that got
merged, so I guess I am rather late with asking him to become a committer:

Vote summary: 3/0/0 with 0 not voting 
  +1  Kai Kreuzer
  +1  Yordan Mihaylov
  +1  Markus Rathgeb

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