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Re: [iot-pmc] Paho Works-with dependencies for gcc/glibc

It's me or golang is missing in the list?

Julien Vermillard

On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 5:50 PM, Ian Craggs <icraggs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jens,

thanks for your response.   In the case of the embedded client, in some cases (including Linux) we only provide the source, no binaries.  So a compiler is needed to build, and the user must do that. 

Under 4 a), it says 'A prequisite may be classified as "exempt" by the EMO if the software is pervasive in nature, expected to be already on the user's machine, and/or an IP review would be impossible, impractical, or inadvisable'.   I think that glibc and gcc could fall into this category for almost all of those reasons.

I propose that I create CQs for all dependencies that Paho has, so that we can hand all of those appropriate to the EMO, en bloc, rather than in stages.  These would include:

- Python: v2 and v3
- Visual Studio: for C and .Net builds
- Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (runtime for the C client on Windows)
- .Net runtime
- Arduino compiler and runtime library

- ARM mbed runtime libraries
- FreeRTOS build and runtime
- TI cc3200 build and runtime

Although the embedded client could be built on a large variety of OSes, I propose we only have CQs for those platforms for which we actually provide interface code.


On 01/14/2016 03:20 PM, Jens Reimann wrote:
Hello Ian & PMC,

DEPENDENCIES" - 2007 [1]

Under 4a) it lists Windows or Java as such a exempt prerequisite.

However I do think that this does not fully match here. Since GCC is
only required during the build process and not for running the result.

On the other hand glibc is such a requirement. Then again, if there is
no glibc, there probably is not Java either (at least on a Linux-ish

>From my point of view I would really like to hand this over to EMO.

What do you think?



On 01/13/2016 01:01 PM, Ian Craggs wrote:
Hello PMC,

as suggested by Julien, that compilers/interpreters should be treated
as any other tools, I've created CQs for Paho works-with dependencies
for gcc and glibc:

I will create others to cover Visual Studio, Python, the Arduino build
tools, etc, and any others as necessary.

I haven't found any previous CQs to cover any of these subjects, which
I found surprising, if we need them.


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Ian Craggs                          
icraggs@xxxxxxxxxx                 IBM United Kingdom
Paho Project Lead; Committer on Mosquitto

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