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Re: [iot-pmc] Fwd: Firmware OTA Updates & Crash Reports as a Service


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Sent from my Samsung device

-------- Original message --------
From: Zohar Fox <zohar@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2015-12-06 07:20 (GMT-05:00)
To: iot-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [iot-pmc] Fwd: Firmware OTA Updates & Crash Reports as a Service

Hello All,

I’m a Co-founder and CTO at NoPickles. Over the last two years we have been developing our own IoT wearable product for the pet market ( During our development process we suffered recalls and failures, due to a lack of visibility of what was happening with our devices in the field.

We realized we are missing tools that could save us. Tools that exist in mobile, but not in devices and end nodes/ sensors:

1. OTA- Updating our sensors over the air, once they are in the hands of our users

2. Generating function level crash reports

3. A simple, low memory footprint log mechanism with Live Watch

Since we couldn’t find these tools readily available we developed all three ourselves and are now launching a new service platform to save you the time and hassle that we went through.

We would love to speak with individuals/ companies working in the IoT field to see how we can help solve these major challenges.

If you are interested we please shoot me a note zohar@xxxxxxxxxxxx and we can find a time to speak. Thank you!


Zohar Fox
CoFounder & CTO

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