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Re: [incubation] [cross-project-issues-dev] Travis CI and Eclipse Projects build

I would not bet on the foundation staff spending a lot of time on Travis CI, as the Eclipse Foundation are investing quite a bit into CloudBees CJE (Enterprise grade Jenkins). I would try to get the most out of the latter. 

Build servers are a limited resource, also at Eclipse, but I believe there are plans to offer different configurations if two concurrent builds are not enough.

See Mikaël Barbero's blog post[1] and the migration FAQ[2] for some more information.


Best regards,

> 31. aug. 2018 kl. 16:15 skrev Didier Vojtisek <didier.vojtisek@xxxxxxxx>:
> Hi
> Even if jenkins does not offer unlimited scalability too, it still offer 2 concurrent jobs per eclipse project.
> This is better than 5 for the whole eclipse organisation (560 repositories registered, I don't know exatly how much project that represents...)
> Didier
> Le 31/08/2018 à 16:02, Gunnar Wagenknecht a écrit :
>> Alberto,
>> I'm moving this discussion to (incubation@xxxxxxxxxxx). Cross-project is intended for different kind of discussions.
>> AFAIK Webmaster are experimenting with different/dedicated GitHub organisations per (top-level) project. Maybe that's something for you. Another possibility is finding a sponsor for your project's own paid Travis CI subscription. Jenkins would also work but also does not offer unlimited scalability.
>> -Gunnar
>> -- 
>> Gunnar Wagenknecht
>> gunnar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
>>> On Aug 31, 2018, at 15:01, Codutti, Alberto <alberto.codutti@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi all, 
>>> I’m a committer of the Eclipse Kapua project.
>>> We use Travis CI as a continuous integration tool for branches and pull requests alongside Eclipse Jenkins.
>>> In the last few months (and especially in the last few weeks) we noticed an increased time that it takes to actually start a build. Now we are at the point in which it take 2-3 hours to start a build after being enqueued. 
>>> To try to troubleshooting the problem, we reached Travis CI support.
>>> After a couple of mail exchange the problem came out.
>>> It turns out that Travis CI is free for opensource projects but allows only 5 jobs to run concurrently per each organization. This means that all Eclipse projects that are using Travis CI share this limit of 5 concurrent jobs, explaining the long time waiting an available executor. 
>>> Support also reported that on 2018-08-28 09:32:45 UTC there were 226 jobs waiting enqueued for Eclipse organization.
>>> Is there any plan on the Eclipse side to get around this problem?
>>> Do we need to find other solutions? Eclipse Jenkins could be one, but it allows only 2 concurrent jobs.
>>> Best Regards, 
>>> Alberto Codutti
>>> Software Engineer – R&D – Eurotech Italy
>>> email:   alberto.codutti@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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> -- 
> Didier Vojtisek
> SED Rennes - DiverSE Team
> Univ Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA
> Campus de beaulieu
> 35042 Rennes
> 02 99 84 75 07
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