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[incquery-dev] A muster of pattern language validators

Hi all,
according to discussions on yesterday’s in-the-flesh meeting, the relocation of pattern language validators should be considered for two reasons:
A. move from EMFPatternLanguageJavaValidator to the core PatternLanguageJavaValidator if not EMF-specific, to enable versions of the current pattern language that query non-EMF models;
B. push down from PLJV to PSystem sanity checking if possible, so that other pattern specification sources can benefit from the check as well.
I have conducted a quick investigation, and summarize my findings below.
A. (14 checks in EMFPLJV)
* It seems that two checks (“checkParametersNamed” and “checkForCartesianProduct”) can safely be moved from EMFPLJV to PLJV.
* There are some checks that are definitely tied to the EMF-specific language, such as the concept and all complications of EPackage imports (3 checks), or well-behaving derived features (1 check).
* In-between, there is a great number of checks that could be promoted to PLJV if some aspects of the type system are abstracted into virtual functions that EMFPLJV can then specialize according to Ecore:
  - The simplest case is the two “checkForWrongVariablesInXExpressions” checks, which only require distinction of structural classes from data types, and express a restriction that is valid (but not enforced) in the core pattern language – so they can be considered for PLJV.
  - Almost half of the checks (6), however, is about type checking. One wonders whether it’s really worth it to de-EMF-ify these checks.
B. (14 checks in PLJV)
* Three of the checks (“checkReturnTypeOfCheckConstraints”, “checkForImpureJavaCallsInEvalExpressions”, “checkForImpureJavaCallsInCheckConstraints”) are XBase-specific, so they can’t be turned into PSystem sanity checks.
* Three of the checks  (“checkPrivatePatternUsage”, “checkPatterns”, “checkPackageDeclaration”) restrict the structure of a PatternModel object, and thus are not suitable for PSystem either – unless we want to mirror PatternModel in PSystem.
* Three of the checks (“checkCompareConstraints”, “checkVariableNames”, “checkVariableUsageCounters”) might be more difficult to replicate with equivalne behaviour on PSystem due to the abstraction gap between the two representations. This question might require further investigation to settle.
* It seems that the remaining 5 checks can be transcribed to PSystem. But then we need a mechanism to trace back a problem report referring to a PQuery/PAnnotation/PBody/PConstraint to an Eclipse problem marker attached to the corresponding Pattern/Annotation/PatternBody/Constraint.
I hope this helps in making future decisions about the existing validators.

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