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Re: [incquery-dev] eclipsecon example

Dear all,

a quick status report:

1) With Uzi's help, we have finally managed to create a working version of our custom Xcore+IncQuery Reflective Model editor that works well with dynamic resources and query-based derived features. 

The trick is that when this editor is initialized, it will scan the project of the instance model file, and attempt to load all .eiq files from there, so that the Query Specification Registry can be (dynamically) initialized. The loading of .eiqs is done with a specially prepared Xtext resourceset (and this resourceset is completely separate from the "main" resourceset of the editor, i.e. into which the dynamic instance will be loaded later on).

I have tested with the library example, with both normal and "problematic" derived feature queries, and everything seems to work well. However, unfortunately, this approach does not support a combination of .eiq files that link to each other, so the library example will have to be refactored to avoid this. Again, multiple .eiqs can be used, just make sure that there are no direct interlinks (= find to a different .eiq file) between these. 

I have also tested whether indirect interlinking (i.e. by using query-based derived features inside the queries) works, and unfortunately no. Abel, do you have a clue why? Might this be related to Tomi's question about the caching?

2) On a slightly related note, the previously seen "cyclic linking error" seems to be gone, I cannot reproduce it anymore…

3) Regarding the problems with eval(), I haven't checked Tomi's error reports from below, but he said to me that he only tested in the dynamic configuration, so they might be resolved now (or, they should be tested in the generated configuration as well).

4) As agreed on the last meeting, I have now merged the xtext-2.5 branch into master. Everything should be done on master from now on.

So, in summary, currently both the dynamic and generated configurations should work equivalently, making it possible to finalize the library example itself.


Istvan RATH, PhD
Research fellow
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group

On Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 11:21 PM, Tamas Szabo wrote:

Hi all

I have some notes regarding the current version of the example:
- the Writer's name derived feature is not working with the eval _expression_
- Xcore's original derived feature for the same _expression_ works and
also automatically updates the value both in the tree editor and in the
property sheet
- I do not really understand the keep cache logic behind the Single and
MultiValueQueryBasedFeature classes.

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