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Re: [incquery-dev] Tests using Mockito


in general, dependencies at least require extra administrative work, at worst require the qualification of external projects (more specifically legal approval is required for their entire code base). The simple case is if the dependency was already requested and approved for another project, then we could "hijack" their CQ, and also ask for our project.

According to the current case, I have looked at the IPZilla, and have found a use of Mockito 1.8.4 already approved for SWTBot. This means, if we _want_ to use Mockito, we could _request_ it via a "piggy-back" CQ ("simple way").

The question is: what are the benefit of using Mockito (in our current case - in general, it is a nice test framework to use :) )? What issue does it solve that is hard to overcome otherwise? István (Dávid): can you convince us that it is worth to have it? I am not exactly opposed to it, but I would like to see the benefits before starting the required administration to solve this.

In the meanwhile, Mockito (and any other dependency not required by Xtext) is not available in the target platform (by design).

-- Zoltán Ujhelyi

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

On 2013.09.29., at 17:38, Dávid István <davidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just created an item in the Bugzilla for a LIFO conflict
> resolver<>and
> submitted a patch containing my implementation.
> Also wrote some tests and placed them into plugin *
> org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.tests*. However, they require Mockito which
> isn't declared as a plugin dependency yet and don't know whether the target
> platform the stuff is being built upon does provide it or not. Guess I
> should just attach the tests regardless and someone will deal with the rest
> of it on your side - could someone plz second this?
> Cheers,
> Steve
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