I've added to the wiki a proposal about eclipseide-jdtls,
I suspect this can be the source of many Q&A (more
precisely, i expect more strategical questions like "what does
it mean for the future of JDT? Is there a plan of replacement?
Who is contributing to what?..." (Spoiler alert: answers are
"For the core part, this move is likely to grow the community,
for the UI, it's up to JDT-UI community / no plan but
eventually the goal is to make it a viable replacement and let
the community decide what gets in default packages / Red Hat
won't contribute to JDT-UI and bets on JDT-LS and underlying
JDT-Core & Eclipse Platform, others may have chosen
different strategies and may prefer investing in JDT-UI"). So
if it seems worth having a longer Q&A session, I'd be fine
being last and go over-time (max 15 more minutes) to discuss
One important criterion I want to emphasize, in case there
are more proposals than slots is that this work is *not* part
of the current Eclipse IDE/SimRel, and as you can see, it's
currently not even an Eclipse.org project (and 2nd spoiler
alert, it's not likely to become one until we see compelling
reasons for a move or if there are active enough external
contributors pressuring for the move).