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[iceoryx-dev] Project Lead election for Mathias Kraus on Eclipse iceoryx

A project lead election for Mathias Kraus on project Eclipse iceoryx
(technology.iceoryx) was started by Michael Poehnl with this criteria:

I hereby nominate Mathias Kraus as project lead for Eclipse iceoryx

Mathias, aka elBoberido, has been a committer since the start in 2019 and he
was the most active and most consistent contributor to the C++ implementation
of iceoryx in the last two years. He was the one who kept the pace high when
other costributors were busy with other work. Mathias already contributed >
1500 commits with 280 pull requests. He also hosted many of the developer
meetups of the last months and was one of the committers that interacted the
most with the community.

With his dedicated passtion for iceoryx he contributed a lot to its
widespread use as high-performance inter-process-communication in many
industries. Thanks for your hard work elBoberido!

Eclipse iceoryx project committers can click the election link below to vote.



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