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[iceoryx-dev] integrating iceoryx into eCAL - a success story

Hello iceoryx developer team,


fast inter-process communication is one key technology to realize autonomous driven vehicles today and in the future. My team and me, we are working in the field of R&D for Continental Automotive and we are providing such a middleware solution for Continentals autonomous prototyping vehicles worldwide called eCAL.


eCAL is published as open source ( since June 2019. It provides inter-process communication, inter-host communication and a rich toolset for data management. The most important requirement for eCALs message handling is highest performance and the second important one is highest performance too 😊.  We are improving the mechanisms to reduce the latencies in the system for the inter-process communication constantly.


Beginning of 2020 I got in contact with the developers of the iceoryx ipc middleware project. The realization of a real zero copy inter-process data exchange was highly fascinating to me and I wanted to give it a try to replace eCAL owns ipc implementation. To my big surprise the job was done in a few days due to the easy to use API of iceoryx and eCALs layered design.


In February 2020 we finally released the first eCAL version (v5.5.2) which can be configured to use iceoryx as default ipc mechanism. We published the performance results on eCALs github page and especially for large payloads the performance is very impressive. We expect that it will improve even more with future releases of iceoryx. eCALs sophisticated tooling for data recording, replay and monitoring combined with iceoryx’ outstanding performance leads to a powerful setup fulfilling todays requirements not only for autonomous driving but also for other projects in the area of robotic and AI.


Thank you for making such a nice piece of software available as open source. My team and me we are looking forward to continue the fruitful collaboration in the future.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards


Rex Schilasky


Head of Base Software Development and Integration

Research & Advanced Engineering @ Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG

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