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[ice-dev] Issue 262 - Progress Update

Hello ICE-Dev,

I have been working on issue 262 and my changes are my fork and on branch edefFile2 ( A review of the changes would be helpful here.

The EDEF File processing was based on Scott Lewis's example code on how to obtain and process such an EDEF File. Overall I have made the following changes:

1) Enabled ConnectToCore button. (Attached screenshot)
2) Clicking on that opens a dialog box which has an 'Import via EDEF' option.
3) The EDEF file can be obtained by launching a Core session using the Core OSGi.launch file. The debug listener dumps out the EDEF format which should be saved in an XML file.
This is probably not very elegant, but I am looking to improve this.

4) Choose this file by clicking on Import via EDEF which opens a File Browser. When the XML file is chosen, the hostname and port are extracted and filled into the dialog box.

5) Clicking OK triggers an attempt to connect. If successful the same EDEF description is written out to console.

I am looking at improving this:
1) Support Localhost discovery and Network-based discovery.
2) Issue 262 also suggests generating a View that lists all connected Cores to the Client. Any thoughts/pointers on this would be helpful.

I remember that the Remote Services perspective on Eclipse allows for the listing of detected endpoints. Should I reuse that mechanism for listing the connected Cores?

Thanking You,

Ramachandran K. Narayanan
Software Engineer
RNET Technologies Inc.
240 W.Elmwood Drive, Suite 2010
Dayton, OH 45459-4248

Attachment: edef_file_processing_coreconnect.png
Description: PNG image

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