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Re: [ice-dev] AbstractExecutor not found by ECF

As we work on the support for connecting to the remote service in the client (bug 262 -, I think we want to support:
* Direct user input to identify the service
* Reading from an EDEF file
* Localhost discovery

I imagine the direct user input to identify the service will be the most used option. That's also how it used to work with the JAX-RS service: Users would give a hostname manually.


On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 12:26 AM, Scott Lewis <slewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Ram,

On 11/21/2016 2:53 PM, Ramachandran K. Narayanan wrote:
Hello ICE-Dev, Scott,

I had pulled in the changes and looked at the video and wanted to clarify my understanding here:

1) The second instance of the Core, spawned from Core OSGi.launch is not visible since it needs endpoint discovery. This is supported through various ways:
  • EDEF: File format with information on how the consumer can find the host. Can import automatically or manually (for modifying certain properties).
  • Network discovery: Through zookeeper, zeroconf, etc.
Is EDEF preferred over Network discovery in specific cases?

Yes, EDEF is preferable over network discovery for some cases.  For example, if the service is accessed over a WAN, doing network discovery can be very complicated (e.g. firewalls, etc).  In such cases EDEF can be much easier.   Security constraints can also change discovery requirements for individual use cases. 

I would think that EDEF doesn't rely on the existence of Network discovery protocols and so can be independent of that. However, Network discovery can publish the existence of a host, similar to a name server and thus does not need an explicit file to describe the endpoint.

That's right on all counts.   The reason for all the options WRT discovery is that there are many possible use cases.

2) Who would typically write the EDEF file, i.e. it looks like the Host is best placed to generate the endpoint information since it runs on the endpoint?

Yes the host actually creates an EndpointDescription when a service is exported on the host.   All that's necessary is to take the EndpointDescription and write it out as xml.   ECF has a class specifically for this called EnpdointDescriptionWriter.      This is actually what's done via the DebugRemoteServiceAdminListener (it writes the xml out to System.out when a remote service is exported.

If the Host machine was to change frequently (say the consumer could connect to any machine in a cluster, each time it connected), would the EDEF file need to be updated each time? Would a network discovery approach be better here? 

Yes a network discovery could be better/easier in this case.   OTOH, it would still be possible to use EDEF...e.g. to have a single EDEF template and simply update the properties that determine which host is consulted for importing the remote services.   Also, it's quite possible to call RemoteServiceAdmin.importService(EndpointDescription) programmatically if more control over the import is needed/desired.

Hope I have described my doubts clearly. If you need any clarifications, please let me know.

You might be interested in the architectural overview for Remote Service Admin (the standardized management agent for remote services...called RemoteServiceAdmin).   It's here [1].

Also, we have a number of examples that are part of tutorials [2].   Many of these use/show different approaches to discovery.

Or just feel free to ask for more/other explanation and/or specific examples.




On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 9:50 AM Ramachandran K. Narayanan <knarayanan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Jay, Scott,

Thanks a lot for tackling various issues with regard to the OSGi services here. I got a chance to catch up on the conversation just about now. I will pull in the changes, focus on the EDEF file and will go through the uploaded video (thank you Jay) to understand what we have so far.


Ramachandran K. Narayanan
Software Engineer
RNET Technologies Inc.
240 W.Elmwood Drive, Suite 2010
Dayton, OH 45459-4248

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Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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