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Re: [ice-dev] Today’s tutorial meeting notes.

There are new product builds available from [1]. We need volunteers to test the Linux and Windows versions of these by running through the tutorial tomorrow? I’ll test the Mac version.



On Jul 13, 2016, at 2:09 PM, Greg Watson <> wrote:

Please review actions below to see if I’ve missed anything. 

- need to modify menu to import local git repo (and fix lifecycle errors)
- contact Hari to see if he can help with visit problem
- install fern source and executable on gordon
- developer menu to generate RCP application (time permitting)

- add a section on configuring a Parallel job launch
- update installation documentation
- change default workspace location
- add python.jython to launch files
- look at why secure storage password required
- reduce size of ICE image
- hook up visit to use remote connection (time permitting)

- change tutorial to show visualization component with remote visit
- fix problem with visit preferences checking path locally even for remote connections
- fix problem preventing remote visit connection working

- hook up format conversion and update tutorial document
- install visit 2.9.2 on gordon

USB Drive Contents

Zipped clone of ICE repo, next branch only (—single-branch)
Zipped application bundles
Visit executables

Student Home Directories

Fern source code and compiled executable
Geometry file for demonstration
VisIt file for demonstration

Updates to tutorial outline

Module 1

- USB drive contains a copy of the ICE git repository (single branch), ICE application, java

The overview section needs to give students a good understanding of what ICE is trying to achieve, the architecture, and how an ICE application can be developed from within ICE.


Students should already have Java installed

1. Copy the ICE archive and git repo to their local drive
2. Uncompress and launch the ICE app, choose a workspace on the local machine (accept default)
3. Use developer menu to import ICE from local git repo (use git perspective if not ready in time)

Module 2

- Fern source code and binary installed on XSEDE machine in “fern” directory

New Item Creation

1. Use New Item Creation wizard to create project
2. Open FernModel
3. Add/modify code to create model
4. Open FernLauncher
5. Copy code from demo plugin to save time
6. Use Developer>ICE>Launch New ICE Instance to start instance

Set up synchronized project

1. Open sync project wizard
2. Create new connection to XSEDE machine (students will be provided username/password)
3. Navigate to, and select, “fern” directory
4. Optionally, show modifying build command and building fern

Using dashboard

1. Right click on fern project and select Create Item Wizard
2. Create a FernModel
3. Configure fern model using editor
4. Generate input file, show in sync project

Launching locally

1. Right click on fern project and select Create Item Wizard
2. Create a FernLauncher
3. Show options and discuss local launch

Launching remotely

1. Open Run Configurations
2. Create parallel launch
3. Select “Generic Torque Batch” configuration
4. Select remote connection created previously
5. Configure job template
6. Submit job & switch to monitoring perspective when asked
7. Switch back to ICE perspective when job completed
8. Show CSV visualization (may need to manually sync)
9. Shut down ICE instance

Discussion about remote vs local launch

Module 3

1. Open FernModel
2. Copy demo code from VisualizationCompleteModel into FernModel
3. Show how to resolve errors in MANIFEST.MF
4. Use Developer>ICE>Launch New ICE Instance to start instance
5. Show new geometry editor and mesh editor tabs

Module 4


1. Configure VisIt preferences (discussion about integration)
2. Ensure VisIt starts correctly
3. Load demo file into VisIt
4. Demo features, students can follow along
5. Explain that VisIt can be run locally or remotely

Geometry Editor

1. Load demo file into editor
2. Demo features, students can follow along

Mesh Editor

1. Demo features, students can follow along

Format Conversion

1. Show work we’re doing for format conversion

Module 5

1. Configure script location to fern project
2. Configure engine to Python
3. Switch to Scripting perspective
4. Create new script in fern project
5. Add code to show features
6. Demo automatically opening csv file if possible

Module 6

Tell students where to go for help
How to get involved in community
Plug for science working group
Questions about their applications

Begin forwarded message:

From: Greg Watson <>
Subject: [ice-dev] Today’s tutorial meeting notes.
Date: July 12, 2016 at 11:40:39 AM EDT
To: ice developer discussions <ice-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: ice developer discussions <ice-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

I would like to try a walkthrough tomorrow of at least the components we have working.


Module 1

The overview section needs to give students a good understanding of what ICE is trying to achieve, the architecture, and how an ICE application can be developed from within ICE.

Module 2

- USB drive contains a copy of the ICE git repository (single branch), ICE application, java

Students will:
1. Install Java if necessary
2. Copy the ICE archive and git repo to their local drive
3. Uncompress and launch the ICE app, choose a workspace on the local machine (accept default)
4. Use developer menu to import ICE from local git repo
5. Start an instance of ICE, then shut it down
6. If completed in time, show generating an RCP app using dev menu

Set up synchronized project
- Fern source code and binary installed on XSEDE machine in “fern” directory

Students will:
1. Start app/instance of ICE
2. Open sync project wizard
3. Create new connection to XSEDE machine (students will be provided username/password)
4. Navigate to, and select, “fern” directory
5. Create and configure run configuration
6. Submit job (should fail because no input file)
7. Shut down ICE

New Item Creation
Same as current:
- show how to generate an item
- creating model & launcher
- adding plugin to run configuration

New for this tutorial:
1. If completed in time, generate new RCP app using dev menu
2. Start ICE app/instance
3. Create input file using editor
4. Submit job using previously created configuration
5. See result of job run
6. Shut down ICE instance

Module 3

Same as current
- show adding a remote visualization component

New for this tutorial:
1. If completed in time, generate new RCP app using dev menu
2. Start ICE app/instance
3. Show students new visualization features

Module 4

Students will follow along
1. Explore features of mesh editor 
2. Explore features of geometry editor
3. Show using VisIt on remote file
4. Show work we’re doing for format conversion

Module 5

Same as current

Module 6

Tell students where to go for help
How to get involved in community
Plug for science working group
Questions about their applications?


- update installation documentation
- developer menu to import from local git repo
- developer menu to generate RCP application (if time permits)

- update slides for overview
- install fern source and executable on one training account (needs to be Kasper’s modified version)

- testing new item wizard

- add a section to tutorial on configuring a Parallel job launch
- hook up visit to use remote connection
- fix scripting
- fix job launching on stampede

- change tutorial to show visualization component with remote visit
- test remote visit on XSEDE machines
- test mesh/geometry editors

- hook up format conversion and document
- modify fern to output CSV file
- modify fern to take output filename from input INI file


1. Copy fern directory to all student accounts
2. Create USB image and test
3. Create USB drives

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