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[ice-dev] ICE Remote VisIt connection error

Hey Hari, 

We are giving an ICE tutorial at the XSEDE conference next week. Part of that tutorial will be demonstrating a remote VisIt connection from ICE to XSEDE resources. However as of now, the remote connection mechanism as part of the visit_java_client is not working when we connect to those resources from within the ORNL internal network. We’re able to connect to machines within the network, but not without. My guess is the visit remote connection is not taking into account our ssh proxy server. Please see Robert’s detailed email below on what he’s found. 

Any thoughts on this, and would you be able to help us out? I think it may require a small modification to the visit_java_client. 



Begin forwarded message:

From: "Smith, Robert W." <smithrw@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: VisIt connection info
Date: July 13, 2016 at 2:35:32 PM EDT
To: "McCaskey, Alex" <mccaskeyaj@xxxxxxxx>


I'm able to connect remotely to all of Bohr (my Mac desktop), Megafluffy, and Habilis. However, attempting to connect to Gordon or Stampede we've been getting into a loop where the password dialog keeps popping up without the authentication ever passing. 

When this became an issue for ParaView, I think the fix was adding session.setConfig("PreferredAuthentications", "privatekey,password,keyboard-interactive");​ so that the session could handle the multiple different ways the server might specify the the password authentication. When you're emailing Hari, you can suggest that he add that line in the launch method of VisItSwtConnection in the VisIt Java client to see if that makes a difference. 


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