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[ice-dev] Docker support in JobLauncher and Tutorials


This may be important for the Project Generation tutorial: 

I have pretty much finished up adding Docker support to our JobLauncher. This means that for any JobLauncher there is now a Docker Configuration DataComponent that lets users toggle ‘Launch with Docker’ on/off to use Docker with the current job launch. If on, a DiscreteEntry displays with a list of currently available Docker Images to use. Selecting one with localhost selected in the Hosts table will cause the JobLauncher to create a container from that image and execute the application via the RemoteExecutionAction, treating that container as a remote host. 

I have created a Docker image for Fern ( I plan to put it up on DockerHub and create at tar ball so our students can use it in the tutorial. To build it yourself, run ‘docker build -t eclipseice/fern .’ with the Dockerfile file in the same directory. 

As for the tutorial and utilizing all this: after creating a new Fern Item project through the generator, all the students should need to do is append to the setupForm method 

addInputType(“Network File”, “networkFile”, “Network File Description”, “.inp”);
addInputType(“Rate File”, “rateFile”, “Rate File Description”, “.data”);

as well as setting 

execCommand = “${installDir}fern-exec”;

Then creating a Fern Launcher in ICE should look like the attached screenshot (and importing the proper data files). 


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