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[ice-dev] Mac Python Installer and VisIt

Hey Andrew, 

I’m looking through the new python installer and its behavior on Mac, and I have a quick comment. 

On the bash installer, it actually unpacks VisIt to a VisIt directory with a bin subdirectory that contains the correct VisIt executable. I think this is ideal for a Mac user - and I’ll explain in a second. 

On the python installer, it unpacks VisIt as you’d expect on a Man - to a directory with the usual Mac structure: the visit executable is located in Contents/Resources/bin/visit or something like that. 

Say you wanted to have a file browser button embedded in the VisIt connection preferences for the Path VizEntry (which I’ve just enabled). If the VisIt app is unpacked as in the new python installer, it’s very difficult to navigate to the correct visit executable because you have to somehow open the package contents. If it’s set up as in the bash installer, it’s very easy because you just navigate to the subfolder. 

Can you setup the python installer to do the same VisIt unpacking as in the bash script? And also make sure the visit.binpath java argument is set to that path? It will streamline what users have to do to enable a VisIt connection on a Mac. Basically I’m setting up the VisIt connection Path entry to default to the visit.binpath and present a browse button to find other VisIt installations. 


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