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Re: [ice-dev] Extra instructions for building ICE


That works and, yes, that could definitely cause the failure.

I'm glad that you've made it this far already. That will be a big help on Friday!


On 09/23/2015 06:35 PM, Nick Stanish wrote:
When I built it with ice it got further and still failed. I think that's because my terminal is default to jdk 7, and ice is set to use 8, but let's wait to worry about this until Friday/Saturday.


On Sep 23, 2015, at 4:27 PM, Jay J. Billings <billingsjj@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Ack! Yes, it is! I'm very sorry. I updated my instructions to reflect that for future victims... er... developers. ;-)

Can you please re-run the build and send the entire output to the ice dev list? I'll look at it after dinner.


On 09/23/2015 01:26 PM, NicK Stanish wrote:
It appears that the following repository is also a very necessary part of the build. I cloned it in the directory containing the ice project and it worked.

However, my build eventually fails:

[INFO] Reactor Summary:


[INFO] .............................. SUCCESS [  0.259 s]

[INFO] ........................ SUCCESS [  3.545 s]

[INFO] ....................... SUCCESS [  4.368 s]

[INFO] gov.lbnl.visit.swt ................................. SUCCESS [  1.317 s]

[INFO] ........................ SUCCESS [  1.398 s]

[INFO] ............... SUCCESS [  0.494 s]

[INFO] ................... SUCCESS [  0.522 s]

[INFO] ................... SUCCESS [  0.698 s]

[INFO] ..................... SUCCESS [  0.638 s]

[INFO] ............... SUCCESS [  0.082 s]

[INFO] ................................. SUCCESS [  0.331 s]

[INFO] .......................... SUCCESS [  0.194 s]

[INFO] ............................... FAILURE [  0.658 s]

[INFO] ............................... SKIPPED


From: "Jay J. Billings" <billingsjj@xxxxxxxx>
To: "Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera" <grr@xxxxxxxxxx>, li630@xxxxxxxxxx, nstanish@xxxxxxxxxx, lin434@xxxxxxxxxx, kim476@xxxxxxxxxx, gorel@xxxxxxxxxx, "Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera" <grr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, jselbo@xxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:36:56 AM
Subject: Extra instructions for building ICE


Here are some extra instructions for building ICE. The instructions that I sent last week were only for downloading the binary. This week we will look at building ICE from within ICE itself.

Some of this you will recognize from the homework I assigned last week, namely the part about getting GitHub accounts and signing the contributor license agreement. We'll go over all of this today and Friday night when I am there in person. I know this looks like a lot, but that's just because there is so much whitespace. ;-)

As a reminder, here are the five things I asked you to try before today's meeting at 10:30:
1.) Download the Eclipse ICE Executable by following the instructions on the 'Getting ICE' page from the wiki.
2.) Create accounts at and and send me your account names for both.
3.) Follow the instructions in ICE's file to sign your Eclipse Contributor License Agreement.
4.) Log into Github, go to the Eclipse ICE repo and "Fork it" so that you have a copy of the repository in your profile.
5.) In ICE, go to Window->Preferences->Team->Git->Committing and check the box next to "Insert Signed-Off-By" in the Footers section.


----- Bug reporting -----

Here is the address to our Bugzilla page where you can submit bugs related to ICE:

We also accept bugs via our user and dev mailing lists, which you can subscribe to at:

Finally, if none of those are appealing, just send the bug to me and I'll handle it.

----- Dev instructions -----

The first thing you should to do get started on ICE development is to sign up for all three of our mailing lists:

The second thing that you should do is install ICE so that you can "develop ICE from ICE." We have an installer that will help you do this on Mac and Linux, which you can download from here

On Windows you should just download the latest Eclipse installer binary (not ICE) from

After getting ICE and/or regular Eclipse installed, you should for ICE on Github or from an internal ORNL mirror depending on your project. Create an account at, then go to

and click the "Fork" button in the top right corner. Once you fork ICE you will have your own version of ICE that you can work on and you will issue "pull requests" to contribute your work back to ICE.

Next, start following the instructions at

but instead of using "" for your Git repository use the address of your fork.

Learning to build ICE is critical to the development process, so although this is tricky to learn it is necessary.

You also need to create an account at so that you can file bug reports.

If you have problems with any of this (except creating the Eclipse account), please submit a bug at:

However, it might be better for you to email the dev list so that you can get a quicker response.

You will also need to sign an Eclipse Contributor License agreement by going to

and clicking the "Eclipse projects forge" link in the right column and following the instructions.

Of course, you can always email me and I'll help.

----- The "Secret Sauce" -----

There are two additional sets of files that you need to build ICE. The first is the set of date files that ICE uses for testing. Send me your GitHub ID and I will give you permission to check them out from this repository

This is a Git repository, so you can use the Git CLI or the tools in Eclipse to check it out. You need to make sure that when you check these files out that they go into your into your home directory. So, in my case I check this out from my home directory with the following command

git clone ICETests

or in Eclipse I just set the repository path to /home/jay/ICETests.

Finally, you need to download ICE's third party dependencies from another GitHub repo:

This includes JME3 and SnakeYAML. Once you download this file, import it into Eclipse as an existing project through the Git perspective by right clicking on the repository and selecting "Import Projects."
Jay Jay Billings
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(865) 241-6308
Twitter Handle: @jayjaybillings

I only check email at 8:30, 12:30 and 16:30 every day. Please call me or send 
me a tweet if your message is urgent and I will take a look.

Jay Jay Billings
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(865) 241-6308
Twitter Handle: @jayjaybillings

I only check email at 8:30, 12:30 and 16:30 every day. Please call me or send 
me a tweet if your message is urgent and I will take a look.

Jay Jay Billings
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(865) 241-6308
Twitter Handle: @jayjaybillings

I only check email at 8:30, 12:30 and 16:30 every day. Please call me or send 
me a tweet if your message is urgent and I will take a look.

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