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[ice-dev] Please remove dependencies in viz source and tests


All of the viz tests and much of its source, except for a few that I just fixed, are importing For example you can see this in the master branch source code

and in the tests for the master branch

We cannot do this. Everything has to be separate. Please switch to next and start fixing these. Please add a bug report for this.

You need to do this in next because I have already fixed and you can use those as examples. Also, you committed a bunch of bin and target directories to master that I have removed in next.

Please make sure that *nothing* is imported from the data structures bundle. I realize that this is challenging for classes like VizResource because it depends on ListComponent, etc. However, the solution is to re-implement it from scratch in the viz bundles so that it does not depend on those things. You can move the test over and so long as the test passes, the new VizResource is fine.

I regret that I didn't notice this in your code review. It would have saved us a lot of work if we caught it then.


Jay Jay Billings
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Twitter Handle: @jayjaybillings

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