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Re: [hudson-dev] 3.0-M4 Testing day 2

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 8:32 AM, Henrik Lynggaard Hansen <henrik@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi
> Just a quick report from my second day of testing. I started by
> cleaning the hudson home and recopying the 2.1.2 home. With the help
> from bobfoster I got further today, but it is not issue free
> 1) The plugin download through proxy is still an issue, same
> workaround as yesterday namely manual download
> 2a) Removing the old disk-usage plugin makes the job load
> 2b) The new disk-usage plugin mostly works. There seems to be some
> jobs which it refuses to measure and I haven't seen any graphs yet,
> but that could be because I haven't installed the JFreeChart plugin

I would have expected jfreechart-plugin to load when disk-usage did,
as it's a dependency in the manifest.

Did you check the "Show disk usage trend graph on the project page"
box? It was unchecked by default for me and I had to check it to see
the graphs on the project pages.


> 3) Audit Trail plugin doesn't work and needs to be disabled (security
> dependency I think)
> 4) Instant messaging + Jabber doesn't work and needs to be disabled
> (security dependency I think)
> 5) Jobs are failing with JNA related issues, such as:
> Remote call on <MY JOB NAME> failed
>         at
>         at hudson.node_monitors.SwapSpaceMonitor$1.monitor(
>         at hudson.node_monitors.SwapSpaceMonitor$1.monitor(
>         at hudson.node_monitors.AbstractNodeMonitorDescriptor$
> Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library:
> /tmp/hudson-remoting4299116383772661393/com/sun/jna/linux-amd64/
>         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
>         at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
>         at java.lang.System.load(
>         at com.sun.jna.Native.loadNativeLibraryFromJar(
>         at com.sun.jna.Native.loadNativeLibrary(
>         at com.sun.jna.Native.<clinit>(
>         at org.hudsonci.plugins.jna.JnaNativeMacSupport.<clinit>(
>         at Method)
> Another example:
> WARNING: Failed to monitor <MY SLAVE NAME>for Free Swap Space
> Remote call on slt_dev2CB_wls failed
>         at
>         at hudson.node_monitors.SwapSpaceMonitor$1.monitor(
>         at hudson.node_monitors.SwapSpaceMonitor$1.monitor(
>         at hudson.node_monitors.AbstractNodeMonitorDescriptor$
> Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library:
> /tmp/hudson-remoting3135547749863216473/com/sun/jna/linux-amd64/
>         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
>         at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
>         at java.lang.System.load(
>         at com.sun.jna.Native.loadNativeLibraryFromJar(
>         at com.sun.jna.Native.loadNativeLibrary(
>         at com.sun.jna.Native.<clinit>(
>         at org.hudsonci.plugins.jna.JnaNativeMacSupport.<clinit>(
>         at Method)
> Note: The slave is on a 64bit Redhat linux running JRockit
> R28.0.0-679-130297-1.6.0_17-20100312-2121-linux-x86_64. Master is
> running on standing JDK 1.6.0_30-b12
> It time permits I might try with regular JDK on the slaves
> 6) Shelve plugin appears twice in the left hand menu
> 7) I keep running into this defect
> which is causing
> dataloss. Not sure if this is a bug in hudson or the individual
> plugins, but you can look at the displayname plugin which exhibits the
> problem and is fairly simple.
> 8) The floating popup of job description when hovering over a job name
> in the list view is rather annoying as it obscures the view and
> ability to click the job listed below the current selection, so the
> user constantly has to move the mouse out of the way. Suggest using
> the free (wasted) white space above the list, or at least somewhere
> where it isn't in the way of normal mouse movement.
> 9) Maven-repository-server plugin is broken and don't list any jobs.
> For us issue 5,7,9 are preventing us from using Hudson 3.
> Best regards
> Henrik
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