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[higgins-dev] Notes from Higgins Developers Call on Thursday, July 2, 2009

Higgins dev call – July 2, 2009





* Mary Ruddy - Meristic

* Markus Sabedello – Harvard Law Lab

* Paul Trevithick - Azigo

* Brian Walker - Azigo

* Jeesmon Jacob  - Azigo 

*Hank Mauldin - Cisco

*John Bradley


Time: Thursday, noon Eastern
Dial-in: 1-866-362-7064 / 89-2048#


1. [Brian] 1.1M7 targeted for July 24

  • See [1]
  • [Brian] M7 Status:  made updates to the wiki. Targeting late July. This is part of our agenda for later [in this call].  We did put up an early sneak peak version of the downloads page.  It still has some broken links. The second item is to begin to populate this.  Have created tickets for these items.  The cloud and iPhone selector are in good shape.  Markus will work on bringing these into the solution page.  All the other items are done.
  • [Markus] What is the current status of the GTK selector? Is the latest version in Higgins?
  • [Brian] I would need to take a look.  We did a Windows installer with the GTK selector.
  • [Markus] I want to try and build it for myself.

2. [Mary] OASIS IMI 1.0 Spec Approved

  • See [2], [3]
  • [Mary]  The  IMI “Information Card” specification, originally developed by Microsoft has finally been approved as the IMI 1.0 standard at OASIS.  This is the standard that Higgins supports in its selector, IdP and RP code.  I want to thank everyone who was involved in this.  There was a time when people thought that Microsoft would never actually release what is now known as the IMI 1.0 specification to an open standards body.  This is a major accomplishment for Higgins, Microsoft and the open identity community.  Sometimes things take so long in coming that when they are finally accomplished it seems anticlimactic.  We should all take a moment to appreciate this historic accomplishment.

3. [Mary]  Updated Team Page published

  • See [4]
  • [Mary]  On the last call, we discussed the updates that had been made to the team page in the staging area.  I’ve received some addition feedback.  Those changes have also    been made, and the updated page published to the production directory.  Let me know when there are additional changes to be made.

4. [Paul] Review of Higgins 1.1 Plan

  • See [5]
  • [Paul] Brian, on 1.1M7 is there a way to make incremental progress on the remaining items?  Couldn’t we focus on say the GTK selector, so do one solution at a time, and do everything for it? Or pick one process and do it for all solutions?  Doing all for all seems like a big bang approach?
  • [Brian] We could focus on the GTK selector first and get a link active on the solutions page. 
  • [Paul] I find it hard to believe that we would get everything done.  If we pick one and do it first, that would be a suggestion.
  • [Brian] What I would like to do is leave the template page.
  • [Paul] That is what we have been doing.  We have pages that are partially done, but you aren’t sure which part is current.  So maybe for milestone 7 we only have one solution, but it is done.
  • [Brian] Yes.
  • [Paul] Then we can get feedback, and maybe change the format. Then we only need to change one. It needs to be very obvious [on the solution pages] what is not done yet. Less is more. We have gotten criticism that our quality is uneven
  • [Paul] I thought it made sense to walk slowly through the Higgins 1.1 list. It has an October release. The upcoming milestone is 1.1M7
  • [Paul] There are no Bugzilla items for the second bullet under AIR 1.1 Selector Windows.  Is this truly all we have to do?
  • [Paul] Should we delete the second bullet?
  • [Brian] For the AIR piece, we may need to have a temporary landing spot.
  • Paul stepped through the list and updated it during the call.
  • [Jeesmon] Even before checking things in we need approval for the code/ 
  • [Paul] We can only check in the code written by Higgins committers. For things that require unapproved third party code, we would provide builds on another site.
  • [Hank] What about executables for users?
  • [Paul] We had so much discussion…  I will reiterate the objectives of the download page.
  • [Paul] If you look at Brian’s mockup, it has some of this… 
  • [Jeesmon] Some of the source from one SVN and some from another SVN. Will have an external link to Azigo to fetch the source code/binaries we can’t check into Higgins.
  • [Markus] Is there anything special that should happen with the iPhone Selector?
  • [Paul] Could have a link to the Apple iPhone
  • [Hank]  That would be helpful. It’s hard to find apps at the app store.
  • [Hank] If there is a pointer, it should point to the app store.
  • [Markus] Every time I upload, I need to increment the version number at the store.
  • [Markus] What is the status of the LIC code? 
  • [Paul] That is being worked on now.
  • [Markus] Is that in Higgins?
  • [Paul] Not yet.
  • [John] Having the synchronizing card store is good, but if it you don’t have a web connection, it can’t present it.  Not sure what it means to work offline.
  • [Paul] You could browse your cards in your wallet, but not log in.
  • [John] That is a reasonable goal.
  • [Paul] On the iPhone selector are their 3rd party libraries that you are using that can’t be check into Higgins?
  • [Markus] No.  I just use the SDK.  I will double check.
  • Discussion of cloud selector and various levels of selector security…
  • Out of time.





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