Higgins dev call –
Feb 19,
* Brian
Carroll - Serena
Andy Hodgkinson - Novell
- Cordance
- Meristic
* Paul
- Parity
- Parity
Hank Mauldin – Cisco
Time: noon EST
1-866-362-7064 /
1. [Brian] 1.1M6 - targeted for February 27
- See http://wiki.eclipse.org/Higgins_1.1M6
for current list
- 1.1 Milestone
planning http://wiki.eclipse.org/Higgins_1.1_Plan
- [BrianW] Status
on M6 - still tentatively
targeting February 27th. Still contingent on getting additional
feedback from owners on the wiki page. No use doing a build if they cannot be
included. Reserve right to move date.
- [Drummond] I think we
need to vote on moving the date.
- [Mary] In theory yes, but
since we know from previous milestones what the issues are with the possible
continued delay of these specific items, in this case moving the date may just
make sense.
- [Drummond] …
2. [Brian, Alexander,
Andy] Selector Architecture Harmonization
- Phase I update - held
working call on 2/16.
- Andy has developed two
skeletal card store providers.
- Next working call on
- See updated Card Store
Architecture [1]
- [BrianW] Had good touch
base meeting on Monday to go over the harmonization work. Sent out notes on Monday. Continue to drive forward for
FC2 demo on March 11.
Andy had been making great progress. Will let him update you. Alex is building
RESTful server on the back end.
- [Andy] I did talk to Alex
this am - hoping to have updates
- [Andy] Good. Has been a good exercise to go through
from my perspective. Helped to solidify the architecture. Look forward to
Alex’s email.
- [Paul] Andy, have you
seen the updated diagram?
- [Andy] I will look at it
in more depth and respond to your email.
- [Mary] Anything else for
this item?
- [Andy and BrianW] That’s all for now.
3. [Paul] RCP
Selector for Higgins 1.1?
- Mary: Interest to do demo
for EclipseCON
- Need new solutions page,
build instructions
- Need to build a connector
for the Higgins Selector Switch
- Need to switch it to
using the standard HBX
- [Paul] I wanted to
clarify this issue. I sent an
email around about having the RCP selector for 1.1. Very little may need to be
done to it, but it needs a solution page… and making it conformant with the
Higgins architecture. The same
could be said for the GTK Cocoa selector. If we are not going to include those
things, I recommend we not include it in 1.1 as we are working towards a
harmonized architecture. I was
looking for a volunteer. And Mary it is related to this demo for EclipseCON
which brings me to the next item.
4. [Paul]
“Embedded” RCP Selector?
- Frank Gerhardt on the
list on Tuesday was discussing his desire for an “embedded” RCP selector
- Paul wrote: Such a ...
solution with the selector code running in the same VM as the “client” code
has some severe security challenges. It would be trivial for malicious Eclipse
plug-ins to attack the card store, emulate the user, etc. Of course by its
very nature this solution would only be used in a this special situation where
you (a) had high trust in the other “peer” plug-ins running in the same VM+RCP
platform and (b) the only cards that would be stored would be those for use
with these surrounding plug-ins.
- Paul added: Ideally the
user would have a configuration choice to either (a) invoke the embedded
selector [as you describe above] or (b) invoke a general purpose “external”
selector via the “Higgins Selector Switch.” Note that this external selector
might be the RCP selector, the AIR selector, the Cocoa
selector or GTK selector.
- [Paul] Frank, one of the
co-presenters wanted…. I’m guessing that is exactly what the
IBM Lotus folks have
done. If so, then it should be
just a simple packaging exercise to create an “embedded” RCP selector. What Frank is saying is wouldn’t it be
cool if the window came up right in
the RCP window. So as I said in the email, there are security issues
– should only use in certain
circumstances. If we did build an
embedded selector, it would be ideal to have a switch. Maybe Mary if you follow-up with your
colleagues you can talk to them about this. It is very small
- [Mary] OK.
5. [Mary]
- Have been approached by
German Company that is using our STS and has implemented
renew functionality in the Higgins STS via an extension.
- They are offering to
deliver a Swordfish binding.
- Have invited them to talk
on future dev call.
- [Mary] Wanted to give
folks a heads-up about this. Are
in the process of scheduling a representative to give us an overview on one of
the up-coming dev calls.
- [Paul] New topic. Wanted to add if right people are on
the call to talk about it.
- [Paul] The r-card xml
spec doesn’t specify how to authenticate to IdAS. Markus and I talked about it this
morning. We need to work on the r-card format so that authenticated is taken
care of. It can be dealt with …
- [Paul] It is just a
pointer, it has no additional information on how one might authenticate.
Markus says maybe need java interface that is recognizable. …Maybe
- [Paul] Since r-cards are
a superset of managed cards, the r-card itself could contain authentication
materials. Or the other way to
go, is the way the manage card works, is to just indicate the type of
authentication and out of band the client app comes up with the authentication
material (i.e. the managed card
approach.) Markus proposed to have the auth materials (optionally) in the
card. It has become one of the
last remaining design issues for r-cards. We need to resolve
- [Hank] Since it is a superset of a managed
card, I would think that following the same way...
- [Paul] When we say
superset, the managed card has an endpoint reference, list of claims and type
of authentication it supports. An
r-card provides a second pointer, UDI, that eventually through
discovery resolves to an endpoint.
With an r-card, if can authenticate you can access this independent of
the managed card’s method.
- [Hank] There are
potentially two authentications involved in an r-card.
- [Paul] The way managed
cards do it ,they don’t include the authentication materials, just indicate
one of 4 proscribed types of authentication. With the r-card it is completely
undefined. You are right
Hank. It is a different type of
- [Hank] I would think if
we handled it in a similar fashion to managed cards, generally seems to make
more sense. Including the
material might be an optimization. I’m not coding this
- [Drummond] I agree it
sounds nice to be symmetric with the m-card, but will probably have r-card
endpoints that aren’t STS’s so what strikes me is
what is more important from a stand point of parallelism is a way for the card
to describe the authentication for the r-card endpoint the way it describes it
for the STS. They may be the same options. I think there is a security issue with
the cards carrying the authentication materials. One of the options being
looked into from the XDI point of view is a signature option – reverse lookup
of the public key. That form of
authentication isn’t an option with m-cards. So it may be that there are some r-card
authentication options that are different. They may also have the same
- [John] (Note that John had a bad phone
connection and most of what he said on the call was garbled.) …designed to work with different
endpoints. One of the obvious
things to authenticate to IdAS is the r-card. There is no way to specify
- [?] Using the r-card to authenticate to
that point is not in list as is self referential. Trying to keep it as similar as
- [Drummond] It is a disjoint set, not a
- [John] There are situations where there is no
STS for the r-card…
- [Drummond] John is saying that there are cases
where there is no corresponding
- [Paul] Every r-card doesn’t leverage all of a
managed card.
- [John] garbled.
- [???] If the r-card works as an m-card, then
having you authenticate to the STS, then
need coordinate between the r-card and STS
– sometimes this may be feasible, sometimes not.
- [John] But there needs to be some
coordination anyway.
- [Drummond] The r-card endpoint that is exposed
may be accessed by something other than cards.
- [Drummond] It seems to make sense for
r-cards to hand their policy the same way, but with a different set of
options. They should be
enumerated the same way.
- [John] It is more like an RP than an
- [Drummond] Whatever those set of things are.
- [Paul] This has been a really good discussion.
Would anyone like to volunteer to put a draft out? Pick a few… one of the
URI is this signature thing, or UN/PW. Have
a straw man.
- [Drummond] Where would that be? Part of the r-card page in the Higgins
- [Paul] That’s what I would have
- [Drummond] I’m provisionally willing to work on
that as long as John also does.
- [Paul] Also Markus and Parity folks need this.
Let throw something there and get experience with it.
- [Drummond] Great.
- [Paul] There is a page on the wiki: r-card. You wrote a lot if
- [Drummond] When I reviewed it yesterday, I saw
other things there that were interesting.
- [Paul] Maybe have 1 sentence or paragraph on
each use case. Will try to loop Jim S. into this. He has relevant experience.
- [John] So is the first part of this IdAS or XDI?
- ????
- [John] Is this the restful IdAS or XDI?
- [Paul] It uses
UDI discovery. We need a proposal. There is
something cute about the r-card being just one
URI, but are there use cases. where…..
won’t do design on the fly.
- [John] Garbled.
- [Paul] If you guys….
- [Drummond] Doing it as a claim in the card – it
will work either way. Rather than
having to discover the XRD, can include the XRD in the card. If….
- [Paul] …
- [John] May want to deliver the discovery info as
a claim.
- [Paul] You want to have the r-card
UDI be a claim type in the returns token
for the managed card. This is
very important if you are bootstrapping. There would be a claim type for
r-card target, the value of that claim would be the r-card
- [Drummond] If r-card is ….
- [Paul] If you want to hand someone a
relationship card and you want to piggy back on the m-card to establish trust,
you may want to include the value of the r-card’s
UDI as a claim value… That is an ancillary
issue. The claims type for an
r-card UDI when …
- [John] At least in the XDI case, if you deliver
one of the claims, is the XRD....
- [John ] You can use the structure of the XRD to
- [Paul] OK. Starting that thread off and some XML
we can code up in the next few weeks would be great.
- [Paul] Any other topics?
- [Hank] As people are doing this, if you think
about documenting, send me a note. Ultimately we want to get this in the
paper. Don’t think about your
task as being separate from the paper.
As you think about it, drop me an email.
- [John ] At some point need to sort out m-card
backed by p-card. Need to make sure it is compatible with what Microsoft is
doing with CardSpaceTM.
- [Drummond] The
IMI TC has addressed – Only John fully
grasps this issue. He should sync up with anyone who has or will implement
this so it works every place.
- [John] STS’s
who have non EV certificate where STS is
issuing an m-card backed by a p-card, I think that probably doesn’t
- [Paul] I think we should file a bug for
- [Paul] In Higgins there are two
STS’s: C++ and Java – we need to look at
them both.
- [John] It is part of the card issuing [not
- [Paul] There is card issuing code that is part
of Higgins. I think that is the only one.
- [Andy] I don’t know with our IdP offering if
that has separate card issuing code or if it is using the code bundled with
the STS. Daniel would know.
- [Paul] I recall, Daniel had a separate project
that is not one of Mike’s projects that does the card generation.
STS information card generator – Daniel is
the owner. I don’t think there
are any duplicates of that component.
- [John] Then that is probably the only place that
has this issue. When you select an m-card backed by a p-card does the Higgins
selector actually use the …or does the selector actually get the target
certificate and use it to calculate the PPID?
- [John] Garbled.
- [Paul] This is something… we need at least
Mike McIntosh to join a call. Not this call. This is a highly specific
- [John] Garbled.
- [Paul] We are out of time. There are lots of issues here.
- [Paul] John, maybe you can propose some topics
for the next call, and get the right players on the call and get some
[1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Selector_Architecture_Harmonization#Synchronizing_Card_Store_.28Component_Set.29