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RE: Re[2]: [higgins-dev] Java 5, going once...

Don't forget typesafe enums.  They're much more powerful than enums in other langauges, and definitely can add clarity to certain APIs.

From: higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Valery Kokhan [vkokhan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2008 8:29 AM
To: Higgins (Trust Framework) Project developer discussions
Subject: Re[2]: [higgins-dev] Java 5, going once...


I completely agree with Marcus that these three outstanding futures of
Java 5 would make life easier for both Higgins developers and users.

They could make our APIs much clear and make code which uses our APIs
much errorless.


Saturday, November 29, 2008, 8:26:28 AM, you wrote:

> Here are Higgins-related examples for the three best-known 1.5 features:

> 1. Generics
> -----------------
> Generics provide a way for you to communicate the type of a collection
> to the compiler, so that it can be checked. Once the compiler knows
> the element type of the collection, the compiler can check that you
> have used the collection consistently and can insert the correct casts
> on values being taken out of the collection.

> Let's say I want to get the first value of an attribute. This is a
> common operation since most attributes are single-valued.

> Today I would have to do this:

> IAttribute attribute = ...;
> IAttributeValue value = (IAttributeValue) attribute.getValues().next();

> With 1.5 I could do this:

> IAttribute attribute = ...;
> IAttributeValue = attribute.getValues().next();

->> It's more convenient to write
->> It's less error-prone, because the return type is checked at
> compile time, therefore I don't have to cast and can avoid a potential
> ClassCastException

> 2. Foreach Loop
> ------------------------
> The foreach loop is used to access each successive value in a
> collection of values.

> Let's say I want to enumerate over all context types of a context factory.

> Today I would have to do this:

> IContextFactory contextFactory = ...;
> for (Iterator i=contextFactory.getTypes().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
>   String type = (String);
>   System.out.println(type);
> }

> With 1.5 I could do this:

> IContextFactory contextFactory = ...;
> for (String type : contextFactory.getTypes()) {
>   System.out.println(type);
> }

->> It's a lot shorter
->> It's much more readable... You immediately know the purpose of the loop

> 3. Autoboxing
> --------------------
> Autoboxing is the automatic conversion the Java compiler makes between
> the primitive (basic) types and their corresponding object wrapper
> classes

> Let's say I have an attribute value of type xsd:int, and I want to add
> 1 to that value.

> Today I would have to do this:

> ISimpleAttrValue age = ...;
> age.setData(new Integer(((Integer) age.getData()).intValue() + 1));

> With 1.5 I could do this:

> ISimpleAttrValue age = ...;
> age.setData((Integer) age.getData() + 1);

->> Again, much shorter and more readable

> The remaining Java 1.5 features (Typesafe Enums, Varargs, Static
> Imports, Annotations) are used less often, but I could think of
> Higgins-related examples for them as well.

> Markus

> On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 3:27 AM, Anthony Nadalin <drsecure@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Don't agree that life is simpler, please give examples of why this should be
>> changed
>> Anthony Nadalin | Work 512.838.0085 | Cell 512.289.4122
>> "Markus Sabadello" ---11/28/2008 08:06:10 PM---I think both developers and
>> users of Higgins would agree that 1.5
>> From:
>> "Markus Sabadello" <msabadello@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> To:
>> "Higgins (Trust Framework) Project developer discussions"
>> <higgins-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Date:
>> 11/28/2008 08:06 PM
>> Subject:
>> Re: [higgins-dev] Java 5, going once...
>> ________________________________
>> I think both developers and users of Higgins would agree that 1.5
>> makes life a lot simpler.
>> As a developer, I can write my code faster and make it much more
>> readable and less error-prone.
>> As a user, it's much more convenient to get e.g. a List<IEntity> than
>> just a List.
>> Markus
>> On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 11:27 PM, Anthony Nadalin <drsecure@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Since the current build is on 1.4 so what is the rational to change ? I'm
>>> not seeing the motivation to change or do we just change things ?
>>> Anthony Nadalin | Work 512.838.0085 | Cell 512.289.4122
>>> Paul Trevithick ---11/26/2008 08:46:29 AM---I've been waiting to see if
>>> anyone will step forward and argue for why they require 1.4.X support for
>>> Higgins 1.1 (specificall
>>> From:
>>> Paul Trevithick <ptrevithick@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> To:
>>> higgins-dev <higgins-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> Date:
>>> 11/26/2008 08:46 AM
>>> Subject:
>>> [higgins-dev] Java 5, going once...
>>> ________________________________
>>> I've been waiting to see if anyone will step forward and argue for why
>>> they
>>> require 1.4.X support for Higgins 1.1 (specifically). As we discussed in
>>> the
>>> F2F if someone requires 1.4.X they at least have the option of using
>>> Higgins
>>> 1.0. Not a great option because so much is progressing in 1.1, but it's
>>> something. Historically Tony of IBM has put forward IBM's requirement for
>>> 1.4.X, but they have been silent on the issue of late.
>>> Unless we hear soon from IBM or others on this point, we'll take one last
>>> poll, and then move to Java 5 for Higgins 1.1.
>>> -Paul _______________________________________________
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